Alright I know I have alot of stupid journal entries now and again...but today I read ZOMBIEQUEEN's journal. After reading it I felt inspired. So for once now your going to get something meaningfull. Im going to tell you how I became the ghoul I am today, and its all thanks to one man...Mr. Sammy Terry
. Sammy Terry was Indys own local horror show guy. His show would run late at night well past my bed time. But I will never forget the first time I saw him.
I was up late sneeking into the living room to watch TV when I was flipping through channels I saw him rising up out of his coffin. Now for a very young kid, this might look very scary but not for me. I sat with my eyes glued to the screen as he told me the horrors that he was about to unleash upon my eyes that evening. Man I tell ya what it was fucking awesome. Seeing the torches light up the castle room where his coffin was and listening to him tell me about the monsters(ie..Frankenstien, The Wolf Man and Dracula) that run havok through out the land. It was the biggest turning point in my life.
For years through Sammy, I was introduced to some really great films. Although the one that stuck with me the most was Night of the Living Dead. I honestly dont know why...maybe because it was the kind of thing that could happen to anyone anywhere. So thats what made it so scary. Now after years of watching this and the rest of Romero's Trilogy countless, countless times. I have realized we are the real monsters. The movie was about people not "zombies". I came to this conclusion when I was in my sophmore year of High School.
So for my Sociology Final, I made my class watch Night of the Living Dead. My teacher at the time was like "James, you know this is going to be half your grade right?" I just smiled at him and pushed play, in what would be my finest hour. After the film..all my friends thought there was no way I could bullshit my way through this like they did. My pal Jason said "Dude, was this just an excuse to watch your favorite horror movie in class?" "No way man, your going to learn something I learned when years ago." "And whats that?" Jason said........."We are monsters."
So after I gave my speech in front of the class and teacher. My teacher said "James I thought you were going to crash and burn on this one...but you have proved me wrong." "In my nine years of teaching thats one of the best projects Iv seen."
Well Im going to wrap this up cause my eyes are starting to close. But after seeing Sammy Terry and Night of the Living Dead. I will always be gratefull for those two....horror films and culture in general are my life....I would never give anything to replace it. It makes up sooooo much of who I am. So thank you once again Sammy and George A Romero for making me who I am today.....

I was up late sneeking into the living room to watch TV when I was flipping through channels I saw him rising up out of his coffin. Now for a very young kid, this might look very scary but not for me. I sat with my eyes glued to the screen as he told me the horrors that he was about to unleash upon my eyes that evening. Man I tell ya what it was fucking awesome. Seeing the torches light up the castle room where his coffin was and listening to him tell me about the monsters(ie..Frankenstien, The Wolf Man and Dracula) that run havok through out the land. It was the biggest turning point in my life.
For years through Sammy, I was introduced to some really great films. Although the one that stuck with me the most was Night of the Living Dead. I honestly dont know why...maybe because it was the kind of thing that could happen to anyone anywhere. So thats what made it so scary. Now after years of watching this and the rest of Romero's Trilogy countless, countless times. I have realized we are the real monsters. The movie was about people not "zombies". I came to this conclusion when I was in my sophmore year of High School.
So for my Sociology Final, I made my class watch Night of the Living Dead. My teacher at the time was like "James, you know this is going to be half your grade right?" I just smiled at him and pushed play, in what would be my finest hour. After the film..all my friends thought there was no way I could bullshit my way through this like they did. My pal Jason said "Dude, was this just an excuse to watch your favorite horror movie in class?" "No way man, your going to learn something I learned when years ago." "And whats that?" Jason said........."We are monsters."
So after I gave my speech in front of the class and teacher. My teacher said "James I thought you were going to crash and burn on this one...but you have proved me wrong." "In my nine years of teaching thats one of the best projects Iv seen."
Well Im going to wrap this up cause my eyes are starting to close. But after seeing Sammy Terry and Night of the Living Dead. I will always be gratefull for those two....horror films and culture in general are my life....I would never give anything to replace it. It makes up sooooo much of who I am. So thank you once again Sammy and George A Romero for making me who I am today.....

and we hang out when u decide to bring your happy ass to chi town!!!