Alright hear it goes, strap yourself in and pull up your favorite killing weapn. Cause when this is over......your gonna kill yourself for not being in on this...
For My Birthday Celebration I began drinking on Thursday...and that ment nothing but beer and Jager untill Sat. So we had a small get together Thursday night downtown Indy. We knew the guy at "The Pub" right next to "Howl at the Moon" so when we got there at 9 they played nothing but whatever i wanted to hear, which was awesome. So around 3:30 we leave the place and head back to Londons to drink some more. On the way there.....London gets pulled over and arrested for a D.U.I. So we were left to fend for ourselfs....we were lucky enough that Natasha lived only 10min from the place. So we crashed there.
Friday comes and I wake up feeling a little hungover. I wake up at 1 and start drinking again. We decide to catch a flick, so Natasha sneeks me in 2 beers, since i cant drink anything but beer. After that we decide to get something to eat....which i get beer of course. From there we hit the town again...this time heading to Brads Gold Club, which we spend the rest of the night....nothing like lots of Jager, BudLight and Strippers to make a guy feel at home. After a couple of phone calls the gang shows up and we end up owning the place. At one point someone said it was my i ended up getting on stage my clothes ripped off and raped by 4 strippers. We had all the strippers over by us after i think the other old guys were getting upset..but fuck them.
Now here comes the fucking good stuff.....Saturday. London comes over to pick me up, yeah thats right.....he cant drive but he still did. From there we head over to Natashas were Jenny, Liz and the rest of my fiends had a party set up for me...a cake with yummy blood and skulls all over it. God I love these guys. I also got one of those huge bottles of Jager....the 750ml one. It looks like a carton of fucking O.J. Well before we head out to the Alley Cat....i end up killing have of it in about 3 hours (remember i have been drinking since Thursday, no water...only beer and Jager) Well now im starting to feel really fucking railed....of course it all has to catch up to me before i go out. Well we get there and meet up with the guys and start drinking some more, ALOT more. Everyone decides to go dancing over at the Vogue. SO i follow suit with Natasha and London holding me up. We get there drink some more and this is where i sont remember anything. So ill fill you in on what everyone told me.
We drink some more at the Vogue....some guy starts grabbing Natasha and London steps in....London gets the shit kicked out of him by the two I run in and trow one of them to the ground and start field goal kicking this guys face. A police officer grabs me and stun guns me in the neck. When he does this i throwup on him in what can only be decribed as something from the Exorcist. So now back to where i wake up. Im sitting in the ER with a banna bag in my arm. Its what they give people who are DRUNK to the point of serious sickness. The bag stuff like thiamin, folic acid and multivitamins....stuff my body has nothing of at this point and needs badly. Well I leave the hospital....and someone get back to my place.
Now its Sunday, and I have the fucking shakes like Michale J. Fox.....Im sorry i had to say that.....but thats how bad it was.
So now people are asking me what Im gonna do for New Years....and I cant even fucking think about drinking. But then again peer pressure is a bitch. So thats what i did, and Iv just been taking it easy and drinking lots of water.
Remember ghouls......If your going to drink, keep me in mind.
Thats all for now.......I hope
For My Birthday Celebration I began drinking on Thursday...and that ment nothing but beer and Jager untill Sat. So we had a small get together Thursday night downtown Indy. We knew the guy at "The Pub" right next to "Howl at the Moon" so when we got there at 9 they played nothing but whatever i wanted to hear, which was awesome. So around 3:30 we leave the place and head back to Londons to drink some more. On the way there.....London gets pulled over and arrested for a D.U.I. So we were left to fend for ourselfs....we were lucky enough that Natasha lived only 10min from the place. So we crashed there.
Friday comes and I wake up feeling a little hungover. I wake up at 1 and start drinking again. We decide to catch a flick, so Natasha sneeks me in 2 beers, since i cant drink anything but beer. After that we decide to get something to eat....which i get beer of course. From there we hit the town again...this time heading to Brads Gold Club, which we spend the rest of the night....nothing like lots of Jager, BudLight and Strippers to make a guy feel at home. After a couple of phone calls the gang shows up and we end up owning the place. At one point someone said it was my i ended up getting on stage my clothes ripped off and raped by 4 strippers. We had all the strippers over by us after i think the other old guys were getting upset..but fuck them.
Now here comes the fucking good stuff.....Saturday. London comes over to pick me up, yeah thats right.....he cant drive but he still did. From there we head over to Natashas were Jenny, Liz and the rest of my fiends had a party set up for me...a cake with yummy blood and skulls all over it. God I love these guys. I also got one of those huge bottles of Jager....the 750ml one. It looks like a carton of fucking O.J. Well before we head out to the Alley Cat....i end up killing have of it in about 3 hours (remember i have been drinking since Thursday, no water...only beer and Jager) Well now im starting to feel really fucking railed....of course it all has to catch up to me before i go out. Well we get there and meet up with the guys and start drinking some more, ALOT more. Everyone decides to go dancing over at the Vogue. SO i follow suit with Natasha and London holding me up. We get there drink some more and this is where i sont remember anything. So ill fill you in on what everyone told me.
We drink some more at the Vogue....some guy starts grabbing Natasha and London steps in....London gets the shit kicked out of him by the two I run in and trow one of them to the ground and start field goal kicking this guys face. A police officer grabs me and stun guns me in the neck. When he does this i throwup on him in what can only be decribed as something from the Exorcist. So now back to where i wake up. Im sitting in the ER with a banna bag in my arm. Its what they give people who are DRUNK to the point of serious sickness. The bag stuff like thiamin, folic acid and multivitamins....stuff my body has nothing of at this point and needs badly. Well I leave the hospital....and someone get back to my place.
Now its Sunday, and I have the fucking shakes like Michale J. Fox.....Im sorry i had to say that.....but thats how bad it was.
So now people are asking me what Im gonna do for New Years....and I cant even fucking think about drinking. But then again peer pressure is a bitch. So thats what i did, and Iv just been taking it easy and drinking lots of water.
Remember ghouls......If your going to drink, keep me in mind.
Thats all for now.......I hope

Happy newer year

Glad to be back darling... when you movin' out to CA so I can ravish you??? Ughh... I mean show you around?