Where do i fucking start......there is so much shit that has happened in the past weekend ts going to be hard to put it all into one entry...so here goes nothin
-Friday: Went and saw Soical D. and Tiger Army at the Murat(very killer, this was the first time i got to see Mike Ness...so i was very happy)After the show i was walking back to my car...and i saw Nick 13 standing next to a car behind the building..so i went up to him to thank him for an awesome show. After talking for a bit, he said "Hey...dont i know you from the Warped Tour here...your that guy that loves classic horror flims and has stitches tattooed on your arms right?" Fuckin eh man....Nick 13 remembered me for some odd reason....from then on in i knew i was going to be in for a very manic weekend.
-Saturday(this is where the mayhem starts
) I woke up and Andreas and left to go to Jakes. From there we got the rest of his Leatherface remake costume done
(which i made for him)Jake is a pretty big guy...but when he was trying on the costume...i told him to put some pillows and small blankets under his shirt to give him more girth. I think he looked alot better with it.
From Jakes we drove to my parents house to pick up my chainsaw i rigged for Halloween (36inch bar...and rigged to spark and smoke alot, very scary in the dark). Sigh, from there we drove to Rileys...to help put the final touches on his costume. We had been working on his costume since June...trying as hard as we could to make it look like he walked right off the set of the movies...in all, i dont think we did too bad.
So with Leatherface and Jason we jumped in my car to get myself the "man of the hour" ready for a night of terror, madness and drunken acts of violence.
So we get to my place just when people start showin up(for christs sake, im throwin the party and i havent even showed up yet?!) So after several hours of drinking, dancing, and having Brandon win the costume contest going as Captain Jack Sparrow
. The night came to a close around 4ish.
In all we killed 2 kegs, 3 bottles of Jager, and about 160bucks of hard liquor....thats what you get when 30 something people showup.
-Sunday: Hung over like shit....sat around all day and watch Horror flicks and some Twilight Zone. My place was disgusting flithy, cans and bottles everywhere....and numerous people i didnt know passed out everywhere. Oh, and about what happened at Midnight you ask? Myself and Aaron made a punch of Everclear, drinkable blood....and something Riley......oh man, this stuff makes you projectile vomit up to 5 feet. So needless to say...when it hit Midnight our patio looked like something out of Dead Alive, people throwing up what looks like real blood all over themselfs and others...it was the sickest, yet coolest thing i had ever seen. Aaron was like oh my god you see that! That chick totally......then he lost it...and i swear to god it shot out so fast and hard....it was like a bad SNL skit.
-Well ghouls and ghoulets thats about it....it all started off razor....and well, ended up very frightening to say the least....but i wouldnt have it any other way. God i wish everyweekend could be like this. I have ALOT more pics but i need to get them developed....so you have something to look foward to...
Stay Scared
-Friday: Went and saw Soical D. and Tiger Army at the Murat(very killer, this was the first time i got to see Mike Ness...so i was very happy)After the show i was walking back to my car...and i saw Nick 13 standing next to a car behind the building..so i went up to him to thank him for an awesome show. After talking for a bit, he said "Hey...dont i know you from the Warped Tour here...your that guy that loves classic horror flims and has stitches tattooed on your arms right?" Fuckin eh man....Nick 13 remembered me for some odd reason....from then on in i knew i was going to be in for a very manic weekend.
-Saturday(this is where the mayhem starts

From Jakes we drove to my parents house to pick up my chainsaw i rigged for Halloween (36inch bar...and rigged to spark and smoke alot, very scary in the dark). Sigh, from there we drove to Rileys...to help put the final touches on his costume. We had been working on his costume since June...trying as hard as we could to make it look like he walked right off the set of the movies...in all, i dont think we did too bad.

So we get to my place just when people start showin up(for christs sake, im throwin the party and i havent even showed up yet?!) So after several hours of drinking, dancing, and having Brandon win the costume contest going as Captain Jack Sparrow
In all we killed 2 kegs, 3 bottles of Jager, and about 160bucks of hard liquor....thats what you get when 30 something people showup.
-Sunday: Hung over like shit....sat around all day and watch Horror flicks and some Twilight Zone. My place was disgusting flithy, cans and bottles everywhere....and numerous people i didnt know passed out everywhere. Oh, and about what happened at Midnight you ask? Myself and Aaron made a punch of Everclear, drinkable blood....and something Riley......oh man, this stuff makes you projectile vomit up to 5 feet. So needless to say...when it hit Midnight our patio looked like something out of Dead Alive, people throwing up what looks like real blood all over themselfs and others...it was the sickest, yet coolest thing i had ever seen. Aaron was like oh my god you see that! That chick totally......then he lost it...and i swear to god it shot out so fast and hard....it was like a bad SNL skit.
-Well ghouls and ghoulets thats about it....it all started off razor....and well, ended up very frightening to say the least....but i wouldnt have it any other way. God i wish everyweekend could be like this. I have ALOT more pics but i need to get them developed....so you have something to look foward to...
Stay Scared

Yeah Tiger Army/Social D was a great show, I had a blast (even if I went there by myself). Nick 13 recognized you? Hot fuck that's cool.