Apparently my love wants to move to Cali. I don't think it's such a bad idea, just need to find a job and a place to stay and I'd be set. I'm mostly a loner anyway so I'd be pretty comfortable living with just my love.

I should probably write in this journal more often. Then again, nobody reads it so what's the point? I...
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U love this journal, dont lie!

and i love u :-)
yes, dont lie, its fabulous
College keeps me busy.

I'm in the process of updating my t-shirt designs seeing as I've become a bit better at Photoshop. Maybe I'll make some sales. :p
GraverHead (12:17:53 AM): you're missin it
LiquidVash (12:18:01 AM): aww
LiquidVash (12:18:43 AM): whatcha playing?
GraverHead (12:19:00 AM): right now, steal porn from each other
LiquidVash signed on at 12:19:06 AM.
not quite but he wants to do a clothed shoot haha
Mom had arm surgery. Bleh. Hope she gets better soon.
Hey I just checked out your web page. i didn't know you made that scrapple shirt! I totally remember talking about that in the diner. biggrin Hope your moms doin ok.
Pocono Trip August 2005! w00t! I can't wait for more crazy antics!

Where has my summer gone? Hell if I know.
My MAME box is nearly complete. It's looking better and better as each day passes! Much thanks to Colleen and crew for helping to paint the cabinet. More to come later...
Hello. This is a comment.
So. Hows things? Oh yeah? No kidding? Well I'll have to do that. Ok. Nice talking to you. Yeah, you too. Bye. Oh you mean next friday? I'll have to check to see if Frank can make it frist. Sure thing. Later.
I worked on Phoxy Lady today. I gave her a keyboard drawer and I bought some additional supplies to finish making the drawer's flip-down door.

If all goes well tomorrow, I'll complete the keyboard drawer and wiring holes. Then I only need to build the shelf for the monitor to complete the construction process. This is by far the hardest part of the whole project...
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I finally have my own account! w00t! No more looking over Colleen's shoulder :p