I spent most of the day going to guitar shops putting up flyers for a drummer and a second guitarist. I ended up bumping into the vocalist and bass player of my past band, Abyzma. The both said they admired me for my ambition and seriousness. I sense a collaboration or even a new member.
More Blogs
Sunday Dec 28, 2008
thought I'd be doing individual music business (composing,working on … -
Monday Dec 15, 2008
I've had a moment of inspiration at work. I've read some complaints a… -
Saturday Dec 13, 2008
Another long time between blogs. The holidays are coming in, and I ma… -
Monday Oct 27, 2008
well took a slight vacation just to be back. Well AnnaLee's set came … -
Monday Sep 08, 2008
Read More -
Tuesday Jul 22, 2008
well I need to do this more often than just once a month but here goe… -
Wednesday Jun 18, 2008
about time I put up a new pic,makes me wish I had a digital camera, o… -
Sunday May 18, 2008
well looks like we're going to give the Lex area another crack.The me… -
Tuesday Apr 22, 2008
don't know what to say but due to some internal problems with some ou… -
Friday Apr 04, 2008
Time for a band update.Well looks like we got one last song to rehear…