hey guys and gals
if anyone is interested in trying out for metal vocals let me know you can contact me here or through the bands my space Paleblack myspace or even if you know anyone interested we have over an albums worth of material and are ready to play out in south jersey area anyways drop me a line even if not just to tell us we suck ....lol
if anyone is interested in trying out for metal vocals let me know you can contact me here or through the bands my space Paleblack myspace or even if you know anyone interested we have over an albums worth of material and are ready to play out in south jersey area anyways drop me a line even if not just to tell us we suck ....lol

I am not the best of metal singer, or know anyone personally who is around here. I will keep my ear out for you though! Good luck finding someone!

"Hello floor, make me a sammich!!!"