well kids, the heat is on. me and dario must be out of our apartment by july 15th! eek that's so soon! fire under our asses, indeed.
Why do you have to leave? Are you being evicted?
well, my grandma passed away earlier this year, which was heartbreaking, but a blessing came out of it: my stepdad inheriting her house and letting us live in it for very cheap rent. at the beginning of the year, she was still alive, so we told our apartment complex that we planned on staying, and signed a little piece of rinky dink paper saying we wanted to say...NOT the lease, mind you. then we found out we would be able to live in my grandmother's house. we told the apartment people and they told us that the little rinky dink paper we signed is as good as a lease and we needed to find a sublessee for our apartment if we were to leave and avoid a court date. well, they were full of shit and i know it, but it's a small leasing office of an apartment complex, and that complex is owned by a company of which it is impossible to get ahold of anyone in authority. so we have to deal with these leasing agent douchebags. we were pretty unsuccessful in finding anyone to take our apartment up to now, because this place has kind of a shitty reputation and no one in their right mind wants to lease an apartment here. so we came to an agreement that our lease could be terminated early if we moved out soon enough that we wouldn't incur any more rent...so we agreed to be out by the 15th and have our rent payed by then as well. yippie! so there's a bit of a time crunch, but we're going to be okay. no, we're not being evicted