i think this is the most weblog entries in one day i've ever done...so i'm about 6 hours into the adderall and i know why i stopped playing with it in the first place....BUT you won't believe this! in six hours i have packed almost ALL of my personal belongings sans the stuff i need until we move, organized most of my important papers, fixed my broken jewelry box with a hot glue gun, did two loads of laundry, got rid of about 4 trash bags of junkola, took all the crapola off the porch sans one thing, which dario will need to help me carry down cause it's too heavy. then i did about 100 crunches like i do daily anyway.
i also saged the apartment which needed to be done. there just seem to be a lot of negative energies floating around in the building...lots of drama from the other tenants floating around...for those who don't know, sage is a spiritual purifyer. so i did that, too. it feels much clearer in this place now. and despite being jumpy, my mental clarity is at an all time high. so although adderall is bad for me, i have no regrets.
don't worry, kids, i doubt i'll ever use it again. i'm not a speed head, in fact i don't usually have much fun speeding, so don't worry. i'll be fine. i'm very much into good health and i know doing this sort of thing is not very good to do. this was a one time thing, folks. i just really needed to get all this shite done while i have time.
what's interesting is it didn't totally demolish my appetite like i thought it would, so i ate a hung fuckoff bowl of cereal about a half hour ago. i ate breakfast before the high kicked in.
anyway, i'm uber-hyper and i need to get back to work. i wanna wear myself out so i'll be good and sleepy. i want to fall asleep before 1 am at the VERY latest so i can get back on my normal, healthy body schedule and stop being a raving insomniac. and i wanna be rested to have a nice day with dario tomorrow cause we's goin' to see romero's LAND OF THE DEAD which i'm creeeeeaming my pants over.
i also saged the apartment which needed to be done. there just seem to be a lot of negative energies floating around in the building...lots of drama from the other tenants floating around...for those who don't know, sage is a spiritual purifyer. so i did that, too. it feels much clearer in this place now. and despite being jumpy, my mental clarity is at an all time high. so although adderall is bad for me, i have no regrets.
don't worry, kids, i doubt i'll ever use it again. i'm not a speed head, in fact i don't usually have much fun speeding, so don't worry. i'll be fine. i'm very much into good health and i know doing this sort of thing is not very good to do. this was a one time thing, folks. i just really needed to get all this shite done while i have time.
what's interesting is it didn't totally demolish my appetite like i thought it would, so i ate a hung fuckoff bowl of cereal about a half hour ago. i ate breakfast before the high kicked in.
anyway, i'm uber-hyper and i need to get back to work. i wanna wear myself out so i'll be good and sleepy. i want to fall asleep before 1 am at the VERY latest so i can get back on my normal, healthy body schedule and stop being a raving insomniac. and i wanna be rested to have a nice day with dario tomorrow cause we's goin' to see romero's LAND OF THE DEAD which i'm creeeeeaming my pants over.

now, if Kerastoes would only show it in a decent theatre...