dude. i hit my 18th wind and decided, fuckit, i'm going to take one of the adderall pills i've been keeping since january of last year. i wonder if it's even still good. it might be. i'll find out soon enough. i haven't really done speed since the summer before i met my boy, and a girl at my former place of employment gave me two 30 mg pills because she had scripts for them, which she flagrantly abused by the way...but i thought, hey, i have this thing and i might as well try to use it to my advantage in this very rare situation.
i figured i don't want to sleep til like 2 in the afternoon, not get much done, then fall asleep way too late again thereby fucking up my normal sleep schedule and not be able to get enough rest for work on wednesday. so maybe if this thing works, i can get a shitload done today, crash and burn early in the evening, then have a really nice day with dario tomorrow and be able to fall asleep at a decent hour for work on wednesday.
i just have to be quiet cause i don't want to wake my boy up. he needs his sleep as he works later on today.
awww my kitty wants love! yay!!!
i'm going to eat breakfast since this pill, if it works will totally abolish any apetite i might have. i am trying to lose weight, but starving ones'self is extremely counter-productive. the summer i did so much speed and lost all that weight was proof, as after i stopped taking adderall, i gained back the weight that was lost.
i figured i don't want to sleep til like 2 in the afternoon, not get much done, then fall asleep way too late again thereby fucking up my normal sleep schedule and not be able to get enough rest for work on wednesday. so maybe if this thing works, i can get a shitload done today, crash and burn early in the evening, then have a really nice day with dario tomorrow and be able to fall asleep at a decent hour for work on wednesday.
i just have to be quiet cause i don't want to wake my boy up. he needs his sleep as he works later on today.
awww my kitty wants love! yay!!!
i'm going to eat breakfast since this pill, if it works will totally abolish any apetite i might have. i am trying to lose weight, but starving ones'self is extremely counter-productive. the summer i did so much speed and lost all that weight was proof, as after i stopped taking adderall, i gained back the weight that was lost.
Errrr, you may want to reconsider self-medicating yourself. I've seen some friends mess themselves up pretty badly...

don't worry..this is not a habitual thing for me. we just have a limited time before we have to be out of our apartment and i was being an insomniac anyway, so i thought i might as well pull and all-nighter/all day-er and use this old drug thing i had lying around. i'm pretty careful and smart when it comes to this sort of thing, so don't worry. i'm usually the kind of girl who gets her energy from healthy food and lots of sleep, not substances. this was just an extreme situation. i have no regrets.