things are going well enough for me, i suppose. i haven't looked at SG much lately because i've been hella busy, but that suxor cause i did pay for the membership, so i should enjoy the pinup prettyness while i have the membership. i honestly can't say i'm going to renew after this year is up, however. this site used to be a lot edgier and a lot cooler than it has become. i only wish i had joined back in THE day when it was just starting. i guess all things lose their lustre after time and exposure...aaaaanyway, i've been busy with school, work, and trying to fit in a life somewhere in between. i have been trying to spend more time with friends and such, but everyone's schedules are so different that it's not as easy to get together, but i manage to socialize at least somewhat regularly. i'm also feeling better about my friend/roommate moving away because i will have a great time having my own house that's just mine (and my kitty's). i will miss my friend, but it's okay and i'm feeling good about my life changes as of late. breaking up was the right thing, and i'm glad we got to stay friends, and he gets to go live a better life, and so do i.

Are we ever gonna hang out here in Bloomington?????
I know you've been busy, and so have I. We should get together some weekend or something.