The Anger That Dwells Inside
As the wall starts to crack and weaken,
Little bits of you start to escape,
From those little bits,
Comes nothing but anger and rage,
You scavenge around,
Finding the pieces to your wall,
But that just angers you more,
Knowing you've let yourself get to this point.
Now you try grabbing all the bits of you flying out ,
As you try to keep it all inside you,
But that just weakens the wall more and more,
Out of rage you shriek,
The explosion is intense,
Giant pieces of the wall begin to fall off,
And even bigger bits of you flow through,
Your eyes red with a fiery hate.
You've almost entirely lost all control,
Feeling your last bit of control escaping,
Your dormant muscles tightening,
Eye sight dims,
You can't recognize anyone,
They are all just shadows,
You begin to feed this, this savageness,
You begin to feed this Demon.
Your wall is gone,
The once strong, thick, immovable wall,
Is nothing but rubble beneath your feet,
You've let the Demon come out and play,
Swinging violently to your left,
Lashing out toward your right,
Kicking through the middle,
Finally exploding with hate for miles and miles.
The Demon panting and seething,
His body the blackest you've seen,
Overwhelmingly hateful red eyes,
Teeth and claws sharpened to points,
A tail larger than a semi truck,
You peer through the Demons eyes,
Looking down for what seemed to be three stories high,
At nothing but a wasteland that used to be a city.
Little by little you begin to regain lost movement,
Slowing the Demons pants,
Relaxing your tense muscles,
You start to return to your normal height,
Rebuilding your wall,
Surrounding the Demon,
Farther than the last time,
Hoping the larger space will suffice this time.
Standing outside your newly built wall,
Glancing back to notice your red eyed reflection,
He points through your soul and laughs,
Knowing that he WILL surface again,
As you turn back around and notice that the laughing stops,
Instantly you feel the Reflections breath on your neck,
You start wishing that you'll have enough power to stop him next time,
Before the real Demon has enough time to surface.