My Guardian Angel.
So your time has finally come,
Meeting God for the very first time,
Knowing the people that were left behind still love you,
Weeping not because you died,
But because of how much we will miss you.
Saying one last silent goodbye, I kissed your forehead,
Whispering softly, "I love you," in your ear,
Happy knowing you feel no pain,
And that now, you are my Guardian Angel,
Looking back one last time, I smile for you.
Loving you unconditionally,
Laughing at all your dorkiness,
Having a dream on the night of your death,
Asking for one last hug,
You giving it, then with a smile----flew upwards.
You were always there for me,
Keeping all your promises,
Now it is I that has to keep all his promises to you,
Until I can see you again, and give you the hug you really deserve,
One free of cancer, pain and misery.
Know now that you are loved,
Know now that you are missed,
Know now that you are honored,
Know now that you are pain free,
Know now that you are my Angel.
I hope this reaches you Mother.
--Todd J. Imand
But I was helping out a friend by cutting it. It'll grow back in time.