How was everyone's holidays?? Do tell. For me it was an expensive road trip that was well worth it. I left Edmonton to Valemount on the 24th. Made it with no problems. Left to Blue River on the 26th to get my tatty done. Altinator on my car died on the way, tow truck needed and $50 to get a ride to my tatty apt. All went well, ink went in. Stuck there for two days due to full Grey Hound buses. LOL not a problem though crashed at my tat artists place and partied it up. Made it back to Valemount from Blue, grabbed car and continued on to Kamloops. Spent 3 days there, hooked up with an old friend and surprise....... we admitted that we were in love with each other from when we hung out before. Haven't seen her in almost two years and man she is more gorgeous than before. Left Kamloops, stopped in Blue at the Hollywood & Main tatty studio to say farewell till next trip. Hahaha, got another hourn n a half of color put into my new sleeve, BONUS. Left Blue River, hit ice 20 min later, crashed. Needed tow truck again. Got to Valemount, got my car. Defrosted the engine for 2 days, partied and made it back. Total Tow Truck Bill $654, Total Repairs $330, Tattoos $FREE$. So it was a good trip none the less. Pics of new tat coming soon