hey. im still sick. its weird its like a virus that goes and then comes back. i just pop some pills and it all goes away!
my girlfriend came back saturday. i was glad i missed her lots
she got me a kick ass blink tour shirt it was really cool. we are starting to record our new EP tomarrow. i made the cover today and its sweet. i think we are going to offer a golden ticket contest so if you get it you win a date with eric! i think itll only be with the first 100 cds too. yeah thats about it though. i really like this sg journal it makes me feel good! oh yeah wrote a new song. i have no idea but im in a political mood all of a sudden. maybe because of the elections and stuff. GO BUSH! well one last thing... i passed my math quix with an 84! be proud for me i usually get Fs so until next time...same bat time...same bat channel! p.s. ill put the cd cover up next time!
- grant

- grant