I love people who take pride in there work.
I ran into my bro who did the Ryden tattoo on my arm and he demanded that I come into the shop for "touch-ups"... even though to my eyes the tat he gave me is perfect. But seeing as he feels it can still be improved upon, I booked a free-bee session and now I am fuckin stoked for next tuesday to come and have my tat perfectified (haha new word I invented... ya you can use it
later masterbators
I ran into my bro who did the Ryden tattoo on my arm and he demanded that I come into the shop for "touch-ups"... even though to my eyes the tat he gave me is perfect. But seeing as he feels it can still be improved upon, I booked a free-bee session and now I am fuckin stoked for next tuesday to come and have my tat perfectified (haha new word I invented... ya you can use it
later masterbators
i was writing a big email back to you when my computer fucked up
i have the best time ever on my vacations!
also i got a new tshirt , a mark ryden one(a designer friend of mine did it)
i am so using that word!