For some god-forsaken reason I got suckered into getting a "facebook" account. Being a self-proclaimed Myspace addict, I have to say that i am severly disapointed in facebook. I much prefer Myspace and the way you can mess around with your profile colours and layout. Since I deleted my old account and traded 5000 friends in for the 50 people I actually know on that site [in real life] I've become less of an addict and have started to cut down on the amount of hours I spend on the internet each day. So what do I do? I sign up with Facebook! We'll see how long this lasts, it kind of seems unnecessary, but I supose can come in handy if some freakshow that I went to school with was suddenly looking for me for whatever reason... great more stalkers.

So, I LOVE the shot of you in the Canadiens shirt, go habs go!
And the back shot definitely isn't manly, it's quite hot.