it's about time for one of those spontaneous info posts i do...
+i'm moving to oakville with the boyfriend, and most likely going to live there for at least 4 years...he's going to school at sheridan, and i'm going to school in toronto
- this summer hasn't been very productive..
- boyfriend is in another city, and can't see him as much as i'd like to
- this whole getting a job and keeping it thing seems to be something i'm not good at...i got hired at a diner, but they have failed to do what a normal job would do, and give me i gave that a big fuck you
+ i'm starting to scrapbook
- i decided not to try to get a car just yet, because for the car that i want, i would be raped anally with insurance the car will have to wait until i'm more financially stable
+ i'm going to makeup school in toronto! it's a 6 week special effects/theatre course
- bad thing is it's only 6 weeks, and is costing me close to six grand
+ boyfriend and i are most likely getting a hamster when we move, and i want to name it sparticus
- the amount of weight i wanted to lose isn't coming off'm still a lard sack
but in other's picture time!
and polka dots!
the end
+i'm moving to oakville with the boyfriend, and most likely going to live there for at least 4 years...he's going to school at sheridan, and i'm going to school in toronto
- this summer hasn't been very productive..
- boyfriend is in another city, and can't see him as much as i'd like to
- this whole getting a job and keeping it thing seems to be something i'm not good at...i got hired at a diner, but they have failed to do what a normal job would do, and give me i gave that a big fuck you
+ i'm starting to scrapbook
- i decided not to try to get a car just yet, because for the car that i want, i would be raped anally with insurance the car will have to wait until i'm more financially stable
+ i'm going to makeup school in toronto! it's a 6 week special effects/theatre course
- bad thing is it's only 6 weeks, and is costing me close to six grand
+ boyfriend and i are most likely getting a hamster when we move, and i want to name it sparticus
- the amount of weight i wanted to lose isn't coming off'm still a lard sack
but in other's picture time!


and polka dots!

the end