Sunday's drag forever. My computer bit my finger and I bled all over the motherboard. I hate computers, well at least when I get attacked by them.
I need some new musik? any suggestions.
I need a haircut, I look like a shaggy dog. Not one of those cute ones, but one on Animal Police with a bunch of mange.
I need some sort of employment. Anyone need a college graduate to do remedial tasks in exchange for greenbacks. Will learn manicure and pedicure if necessary. Haha tuition paid off well.
I need a car that gets more than 12 mpg, because I am broke as shit and my car takes that expensive gas. or at least someone who could fix my moped. I miss my moped.
I need some new musik? any suggestions.
I need a haircut, I look like a shaggy dog. Not one of those cute ones, but one on Animal Police with a bunch of mange.
I need some sort of employment. Anyone need a college graduate to do remedial tasks in exchange for greenbacks. Will learn manicure and pedicure if necessary. Haha tuition paid off well.
I need a car that gets more than 12 mpg, because I am broke as shit and my car takes that expensive gas. or at least someone who could fix my moped. I miss my moped.

if you've never heard 'the infections' try them. punk rock that lasted for about 5 minutes. supercharger and zodiac killer related (but better).

wow. you've heard of em!
its my brothers girl singer. shannon