Well holy fuck, I think I got myself a sweet place to live.
What Rocks my block about my new house:
1. No Lease
2. The cutest little pitbull
3. Cheap as fuck rent
4. Not an apartment, but a full fuckin house
5. A rawking roommate
6. Did I mention no lease, ohh yeah I did
These things make Graham happy. Now I can go on being a bum withouht looking for a real job and actually using my degree. Fuck a career that is a bunch of work. I hate work with a passion for one main reason. Hasn't man lived long enough on this planet to be able to sustain a happy, gainful exestience without 40 hours of busy-work to keep the ants marching at the same pace for the same common goal? The common goals are repetition and complacency.
Restrict the sugar and make them horde,
Now you've created a fucking swarm.
Fuck dat shit, but refined sugar is so manipulating. I think I am frying my brain attempting to stop ingesting mind-control syrum AKA Soda. I don't even think it is the caffeine, but the fucking sugar that keeps me comming back for more. That and trying to use diet as a mixer is a sin. Anyhow that was an odd tangent to jump to. anyways labia SG land, I get to wait all fucking day at the mechanic to get my car fixed.
What Rocks my block about my new house:
1. No Lease
2. The cutest little pitbull
3. Cheap as fuck rent
4. Not an apartment, but a full fuckin house
5. A rawking roommate
6. Did I mention no lease, ohh yeah I did
These things make Graham happy. Now I can go on being a bum withouht looking for a real job and actually using my degree. Fuck a career that is a bunch of work. I hate work with a passion for one main reason. Hasn't man lived long enough on this planet to be able to sustain a happy, gainful exestience without 40 hours of busy-work to keep the ants marching at the same pace for the same common goal? The common goals are repetition and complacency.
Restrict the sugar and make them horde,
Now you've created a fucking swarm.
Fuck dat shit, but refined sugar is so manipulating. I think I am frying my brain attempting to stop ingesting mind-control syrum AKA Soda. I don't even think it is the caffeine, but the fucking sugar that keeps me comming back for more. That and trying to use diet as a mixer is a sin. Anyhow that was an odd tangent to jump to. anyways labia SG land, I get to wait all fucking day at the mechanic to get my car fixed.

Thanx for the compliment on my set!! I am happy that shit is going good for you!!

aww don't you look so hard in your new i.d. pic....hehe