Had a spectacular All Hallow's Eve, Halloween and my birthday (All Souls Day) with loads of friends, costumes and boobies! Yeah for great friends, great drinks and great rolls. Man, I was totally having a blast. Everyone had a really sweet time. Some random fucker came to a party half starting shit with my inebriated friend and his girlie. Fists were swung and it made me unhappy. This douche swung at my old roommate for attempting to break up the fight, so ole Graham had to step in. Why is someone out of their mind on awesomeness the voice of reason? I jumped on the random with a headlock and proceeded to slam his head onto the pavement. The entire time I was asking him to please stop and leave the house so we could continue our festivities. Everyone was starring at me funny cuz they didn't expect me to be nice to a person while kicking the shit out of him. He high-tailed it out of there and I proceeded to go back to having fun. got a ride back with the girlie and fucked for hours on end. Ended up sleeping until dusk the next day. Total awesomeness all around. I might post pictures, but SG keeps fucking up everything I try to update on here lately. Maybe it is my Opera web browser, but if that is the case, then I'll just stick with Opera and not update pictures or videos. Hope all is well and holla!
Take a kiss instead of it.