Day 10 of being off my benzos, booze and greenery! Wowzers, I have gotten passed the desire/need/want whatever of my dear substances, but I am finding it hard to hang out with people. I think I only know potheads and drunks. I am not sure what to do
I guess I could find new friends, but I like my friends. My anxiety is through the roof and I have been trying deep breathing and meditating, but this only works in the comfort of my own home. I was able to get on my bike, but that just made me want to fix my Schwinn Manta-Ray 5-speed cruizer. Shit, I have no funds to fund said adventure. I guess I could get on the sanding prep on the frame and get ready to dismantle it again. Not much room in the garage due to other projects. I have more projects than I do time. I should really get out the digi and shoot some shit for eBay. At least dump some of the things that make me unable to walk through my room.