ok. i have never really covered up the fact that i am not like other people but something took place today that floored me. while at one of my offices, a bunch of us talked about a person in the company that is a real prick. I mentioned that if he were to be hit by a bus while crossing the street, I'd probably go out and dance in the pool of blood. next thing ya know i am "unstable" "uh thanks that'll work you can leave now" and other remarks about personality evaluations needing to be part of the pre hire process. WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!! i mean everyone pretty much knows i have a morbid sense of humor and that i think a bit differently than most people and that is what makes me me and they go on and it doesnt bother them. this is the first time i have seen people act uncomfortable about some of my comments of this nature. i dont hide the fact that i am on antidepressants and when a miss a day or two i get a little bit crazier than normal. i have missed two days because the perscription ran out before the paycheck got deposited. usually after a day or two i get real pissy and turn into the biggest asshole on the planet, or i just get all wacky and act silly. i really wish i could write really creative like. i have shit in my head that would rival clive barker, or at least make good bloody b-movies, but i can never get it into words. oh well i am done rambling now. . . . or am i????????
you dont even know... my day got WORSE after posting that.... i wrote an edit to it... but it doesnt even explain... im ready to go back to school and get out of this awful fucking town... i dont know how you live here year round... cause the small town bullshit is about to make my head spin... whatever you do DO NOT GO DRINK AT THE BANQUE!!! and tell anyone you know that too! i was the best thing to happen to them and i get cut from just 2 days a week to ONE... cause the other girls are mad they have to split tips with me cause i am just part time... but i work harder than they do on ANY given day! sorry i needed to rant! and you know this stupid town... it sounds like we are in the same fucking boat in this bullshit town.... lucky me i leave to go back to school in a month... poor you... having to stay here... i know you are good at your job... who are these uneducated farmer fucks to say that we are slightly unstable... i find your sense of humor to be exactly like mine!