well my most favorite holiday is coming up, st pantrick's day. while i am not catholic, i do have irish blood in my veins. i take my irish heritage very seriously. i hope all of you out there have signed the guinness petition for proposition 3-17. let's make st patrick's day an official holiday with paid time off! the irish immigrants to this country help build this nation and this would be a great way to recognize them! i will be at work on monday, wearin' the green. monday night, my peterson pipe will be packed with tobacco and i will knockin back some guinness and some harp as well. i call upon everyone to sign the petition. go to the guinness website and you'll find where to sign up! so now i will raise the parting glass and be on my marry way.
More Blogs
Saturday Mar 15, 2008
something i just wrote, sorta just popped into my head (i'm a sick pu… -
Saturday Mar 15, 2008
well my most favorite holiday is coming up, st pantrick's day. while… -
Friday Mar 14, 2008
ahh the weekend is upon me. gonna do some house cleaning and relaxin… -
Tuesday Mar 11, 2008
Well done with my testing and back at work now. Last week while in C… -
Tuesday Mar 04, 2008
today would be a great day to stay in bed. rainy, cloudy and cool te… -
Thursday Feb 28, 2008
well another trip to the doctor and a new medicine, Zocor. I go for … -
Monday Feb 11, 2008
it sucks to be sick and stuck at work, but i guess it is better to be…