Because I'm too lazy to type but I sure can take a lot of pictures.....

Our new place to meet up with our Local ATLiens!
Recapturing the ever changing Krog Street Tunnel.
At the top of the arc you can see the original murals that were painted by the Cabbage Town / Reynolds Town residents to take back the tunnel. The tunnel was known for gangs turf battles, drug deals, crimes, and crazy homeless that many Atlantins didn't even drive thru the tunnel in fear of being shot or car jacked. I was living in Cabbage Town in 1997 or 1998 when the community decided it couldn't take it and took back part tunnel one arch way at time. Surprising there's number of the old murals still peeking thru as we all enjoy Krog Tunnel in different ways......
OK....I do like to write a little.....