Job Hunting totally sucks!!!!
I'm tired of hearing that I would be a great fit but said company feels that the job I'm applying for its a good fit based on my quifications. If a job come availible that is more suited towards my quifications the will let me know!!! - - - The Joys of being "Over Quified" - - - I've even dumbed down my Resume but nothing. All I need is a part time job that I can count on for a steady-ish income while I work on my building my art career.
So talking about my art career I just landed/secured a job for an upcoming event as their lead photographer!! The awesome part is that the main promoter accidently found my work on Facebook - loved it and was hoping that he could get me to sign on to the project! I didn't know that when I set up a pre-shoot interview that he was hoping to sell me on the project instead of me trying to sell my skills to him!
Here's our first event and basic info....
"End dog fighting and animal abuse"
Public Service Announcement - Fillm/Photoshoot
Time: Sunday, May 1 5:00pm - 8:00pm
Elliott Street Deli & Pub
51 Elliott Street Southwest
Atlanta, Georgia
Attention: PSA Casting Call for 300 + Atlanta animal lovers and service providers.
The Terminus City Ride to End Dog Fighting is producing an "End dog fighting and animal abuse" Public Service Announcement. We are looking for 300 extras from all ages and nationalities for a Public Service Announcement showing how much Atlantans support "bringing an end to dog fighting". We are requesting the attendace of ALL animal charities, rescues, animal service providers and animal lovers. Join us for two-three hours and stand next to people in your community who support animal welfare, safety and putting an end to dog-fighting. Please do NOT bring dogs to the PSA filming.
The Terminus City Ride wants:
Seeking all types of animal lovers
Please block out 2-3 hrs of time on May 1, 2011 for filming
Arrive 30min early to sign releases
USAGE - Online and commercials
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Additional Info:
The film will be public service announcement and is a collaboration between the residents of the City of Atlanta, the production company, and several local animal rescues, shelters and charities. (every local animal service provider in Atlanta will stand behind this cause).
We are creating this PSA to encourage the "Pay it Forward" attitude in the community. The focus of the, 30-60 second PSA films will be to show how much the city of Atlanta is dedicated to ending dog fighting and animal abuse in Georgia.
Intersted parties should arrive 30 min early to sign releases and WEAR A SOLID BLACK T-SHIRT.
If you are interested in buying a Terminus City Ride shirt to wear contact Liz Henderson -
I'm very excited to be apart of the this event and luck enough to have been choosen to capture it all!!
If anyof you guys want to show up please do and bring your friends! OR if you want to do more please contact me about volunteering, donating or even helping me out with the event(s).
As of right now we are expecting 200+ people to show up for the PSA!! We have 5 local charities and their voluteers, Terminus City Riders, families, and all our crazy friends arriving so don't be shy and be a part of awesome event in the making!!
Plus I'll probally need a few friendly faces to help me not freak out since this is my first huge event that I'm primarily responible for photographing! ~ ~ A bit NERVIOUS and ExciteD ~ ~
I'm tired of hearing that I would be a great fit but said company feels that the job I'm applying for its a good fit based on my quifications. If a job come availible that is more suited towards my quifications the will let me know!!! - - - The Joys of being "Over Quified" - - - I've even dumbed down my Resume but nothing. All I need is a part time job that I can count on for a steady-ish income while I work on my building my art career.
So talking about my art career I just landed/secured a job for an upcoming event as their lead photographer!! The awesome part is that the main promoter accidently found my work on Facebook - loved it and was hoping that he could get me to sign on to the project! I didn't know that when I set up a pre-shoot interview that he was hoping to sell me on the project instead of me trying to sell my skills to him!

Here's our first event and basic info....
"End dog fighting and animal abuse"
Public Service Announcement - Fillm/Photoshoot
Time: Sunday, May 1 5:00pm - 8:00pm
Elliott Street Deli & Pub
51 Elliott Street Southwest
Atlanta, Georgia
Attention: PSA Casting Call for 300 + Atlanta animal lovers and service providers.
The Terminus City Ride to End Dog Fighting is producing an "End dog fighting and animal abuse" Public Service Announcement. We are looking for 300 extras from all ages and nationalities for a Public Service Announcement showing how much Atlantans support "bringing an end to dog fighting". We are requesting the attendace of ALL animal charities, rescues, animal service providers and animal lovers. Join us for two-three hours and stand next to people in your community who support animal welfare, safety and putting an end to dog-fighting. Please do NOT bring dogs to the PSA filming.
The Terminus City Ride wants:
Seeking all types of animal lovers
Please block out 2-3 hrs of time on May 1, 2011 for filming
Arrive 30min early to sign releases
USAGE - Online and commercials
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Additional Info:
The film will be public service announcement and is a collaboration between the residents of the City of Atlanta, the production company, and several local animal rescues, shelters and charities. (every local animal service provider in Atlanta will stand behind this cause).
We are creating this PSA to encourage the "Pay it Forward" attitude in the community. The focus of the, 30-60 second PSA films will be to show how much the city of Atlanta is dedicated to ending dog fighting and animal abuse in Georgia.
Intersted parties should arrive 30 min early to sign releases and WEAR A SOLID BLACK T-SHIRT.
If you are interested in buying a Terminus City Ride shirt to wear contact Liz Henderson -
I'm very excited to be apart of the this event and luck enough to have been choosen to capture it all!!
If anyof you guys want to show up please do and bring your friends! OR if you want to do more please contact me about volunteering, donating or even helping me out with the event(s).
As of right now we are expecting 200+ people to show up for the PSA!! We have 5 local charities and their voluteers, Terminus City Riders, families, and all our crazy friends arriving so don't be shy and be a part of awesome event in the making!!
Plus I'll probally need a few friendly faces to help me not freak out since this is my first huge event that I'm primarily responible for photographing! ~ ~ A bit NERVIOUS and ExciteD ~ ~
The events sound awesome. Wish we could get out to them...T worked today, we have all 3 kids this weekend, and we're obligated for dinner at a friends house tonight. Good thing though, T has tomorrow off work!
And we're going to try to get out next weekend if we can confirm a babysitter though.
Also, Monday I'm going to one of the largest job networking groups in the's in Roswell. Let me know if you'd like to go with me.
Hope you're having a good weekend!