Atten: Please let me know of any good places to live here in the Atlanta Area! In one week my moving plans were tossed up in the air and I'm looking for a place to go! <--- long story! So If you guys know of any great places that are affordable please let me know!
More Blogs
Wednesday Feb 06, 2013
Damn I'm so stressed out trying to get my housing issues wrapped up. … -
Thursday Jan 24, 2013
I've got to move soon. My roommate told me that I have to be out by M… -
Thursday Jan 10, 2013
I'm Back! So the holidays are finally over! Retail Hell is over! I… -
Tuesday Sep 25, 2012
Wow! It's been awhile since I posted a new blog.... I'm looking for … -
Friday Jun 29, 2012
I'm very excited to start my 10 day getaway to sail the seas. My room… -
Monday Apr 23, 2012
It's another summer and I'm unsure what to do with it. Any suggestion… -
Monday Feb 20, 2012
New is my theme lately! After more than a year I finial started loo… -
Monday Jan 23, 2012
It's offical I'm throwing a Super Bowl Party at my place! I'm exci…