I never really ever ask this and I know this is something that shouldn't be asked BUT..... if anyone has any left over RX for the flu PLZ send them my way! The only thing that I can not take is Penacillin or meds in that family line.
My cold has taken a sevre turn for the worse and I have no insurance. I have been doing the whole over the counter meds but they aren't working any longer. I'm trying to fight this off before I get phenumia - which i'm prone to getting every year but had insurance to then to deal with it.
Soooo.....if any of you insured folks have so left over meds plz let me know.
My cold has taken a sevre turn for the worse and I have no insurance. I have been doing the whole over the counter meds but they aren't working any longer. I'm trying to fight this off before I get phenumia - which i'm prone to getting every year but had insurance to then to deal with it.
Soooo.....if any of you insured folks have so left over meds plz let me know.
im allergic to PCN also