Hello everyone!!
It's me the traveling troll. Things are going pretty well with my new project and I'm enjoying working days again! The joy of working a regular schedule is really nice.
As lately I have managed to break most of my favorite electronic devices!! Grrrrrr..........My camera was borken a few weeks ago when a customer was trying to be noise and see what photos I taking of a store and bumped into my hard that I dropped my camera!! I really miss it.....even though it was a basic point - n - shoot I miss taking pictures. My MP3 player finially died......it has been threw alot and it was coming. Currently my computer has been acting up which sucks because I will die with my laptop!! At least I can have the geek squad work on my computer....so there is still hope for it!
On the bright side I get to see my girl at the end of the week! I get to see this other cute girl next week!!!
Hope everyone is doing well!!
Anyway....just thought I would drop everyone a note into my crazy world....hahaha
It's me the traveling troll. Things are going pretty well with my new project and I'm enjoying working days again! The joy of working a regular schedule is really nice.
As lately I have managed to break most of my favorite electronic devices!! Grrrrrr..........My camera was borken a few weeks ago when a customer was trying to be noise and see what photos I taking of a store and bumped into my hard that I dropped my camera!! I really miss it.....even though it was a basic point - n - shoot I miss taking pictures. My MP3 player finially died......it has been threw alot and it was coming. Currently my computer has been acting up which sucks because I will die with my laptop!! At least I can have the geek squad work on my computer....so there is still hope for it!
On the bright side I get to see my girl at the end of the week! I get to see this other cute girl next week!!!
Hope everyone is doing well!!
Anyway....just thought I would drop everyone a note into my crazy world....hahaha
Im not coming home till the 28th again...long story...Will talk soon. I leave for New York Oct fourth.

Electronics Suck! Not really, I wouldn't know what to do without them. At least you now have a valid excuse to buy new stuff