It's great to be home - even though its will be VERY short lived!
Friday night I flew home - finially - after been stuck at the Milkwakee airport for 5 hours! My friend Nick volunteered to pick me up from the freakin madhouse that was Hartsfield Airport! We planned to drive back home an go to the great resturant called Six Feet Under. YUMMY!!! Well as we are leaving her car stalls.....yep.....she ran out of gas!!! I would have been mad but I was to happy to be home and having the chance to hang out with her!
Saturday......Drive=IN Invasion at the Star Light Drive-In!!!
DRIVE-IN INVASION was so much fun!!!!! I had the chance to go with my roommate and meet tons of new people today! I got to see alot of kick ass bands and watch classic B movies on the big screen surround by friends!!! I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for making this such a great weekend!
I loves you all!!!
Week 3 or 15 weeks complete!!!
Soon I will be headed to Oxford, Alabama....boooooo! But at least I wil lonly be there for a week and then I get to come back home for the weekend. Then I am off to Florida for a month! It looks live I will get the chance to see a certain girl since it appears that she may be coming home from her travels early! I'm keeoing my fingers crossed that she will be home soon.
Friday night I flew home - finially - after been stuck at the Milkwakee airport for 5 hours! My friend Nick volunteered to pick me up from the freakin madhouse that was Hartsfield Airport! We planned to drive back home an go to the great resturant called Six Feet Under. YUMMY!!! Well as we are leaving her car stalls.....yep.....she ran out of gas!!! I would have been mad but I was to happy to be home and having the chance to hang out with her!
Saturday......Drive=IN Invasion at the Star Light Drive-In!!!
DRIVE-IN INVASION was so much fun!!!!! I had the chance to go with my roommate and meet tons of new people today! I got to see alot of kick ass bands and watch classic B movies on the big screen surround by friends!!! I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for making this such a great weekend!
I loves you all!!!
Week 3 or 15 weeks complete!!!
Soon I will be headed to Oxford, Alabama....boooooo! But at least I wil lonly be there for a week and then I get to come back home for the weekend. Then I am off to Florida for a month! It looks live I will get the chance to see a certain girl since it appears that she may be coming home from her travels early! I'm keeoing my fingers crossed that she will be home soon.
Sounds good to me. I always love a reason to cook for peoples.

I had a terrible time. I did not take any pictures.