Note : This is my random babble blog. Filled with mis-spells and type - o's.
Okay I my friends....I have had a pretty good week and weekend!
As many of you know I love me some beer!
So this past Thursday me and my roommate decided to hit the Village in search of some fun and beer! Since it was late on a Thursday night not to much was happening ( plus it was raining ) around so we bounced around the local spots. We started at the Flat Iron for some eats but the cooked packed up the kitchen early. So that just left extra room in our bellys for beer!
After a few we wandered over to MSR ( My Sisters Room - Lez Bar ) but nothing was happening in there at all! So we continued to down the path to the Graveyard but they only served us 1 set of beers before they did last call. It happened our last stop on the drinking train was the best stop!! We ended our evening ( which it is now 2:30 am ) at the Gravity Pub for Punk Rock Karkeoo! This was so fucking awesome to watch that we stayed in the bar till 4 am.
After making the rounds in the village we headed back home which thankfully is only mile from my apartment.
Just an FYI for all ... when I get drunk I get really mischevous!! I love to pull pranks and this night the oppertunity was there! I happen to have the neighbor who feels it is ok to park in the handycap parking. Which is totally not cool because we do have people who are handycap that live here. Since we have had a few new move-ins lately some broke one of the handycap signs outside and left it outside on the ground. Well.................
Well my neighbor go a lovely surprise on Friday morning! I guess she got the message because now she parks in the back! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!
Well for the next couple of days this mama was HUNGOVER!!!!
So on Saturday Me and the Roomy drove up to Tocco,Ga to take care of her parents house and to do a ton of laundry for free!! It was a great drive up to the middle of no where! Sheri's parents have a great house and some pretty cool neighbors! Their neighbors have LAMA's!!! Those damn things are so cute you could just die!!
Sunday was a quiet day at home.....
I have one more day of work before another 4 day weekend!
I have a a great week of easy projects and look forward to going to Athens over the upcoming weeks! But today I messed up my pinky finger while doing trash this morning at work.
I mashed it againist the metal compactor by accident! You can't see it very well but my little finger is so bruised and swollen!
Other than that I am hanging out with a few friends who are doing a photo project that they asked me to be apart. So I maybe posting some pictures later from this project!
Sooo here is some random photos!.....
My friend Nicki and I being dorks !
Fat Frank - my 30 lb cat! He is cleaning his belly!
Oreo playing cute!
The Tank!!!
My little hippy finially got his hair cut! Wesley is the handsome one on the right!
Hope everyone has enjoyed this random babbling of a blog!
I hope everyone has a great V-day! If anyone feels like tossing some kisses my way I am here!
Sadly still single!
Love ya!
Okay I my friends....I have had a pretty good week and weekend!

As many of you know I love me some beer!

After making the rounds in the village we headed back home which thankfully is only mile from my apartment.

Well my neighbor go a lovely surprise on Friday morning! I guess she got the message because now she parks in the back! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!
Well for the next couple of days this mama was HUNGOVER!!!!

So on Saturday Me and the Roomy drove up to Tocco,Ga to take care of her parents house and to do a ton of laundry for free!! It was a great drive up to the middle of no where! Sheri's parents have a great house and some pretty cool neighbors! Their neighbors have LAMA's!!! Those damn things are so cute you could just die!!
Sunday was a quiet day at home.....
I have one more day of work before another 4 day weekend!


I mashed it againist the metal compactor by accident! You can't see it very well but my little finger is so bruised and swollen!
Other than that I am hanging out with a few friends who are doing a photo project that they asked me to be apart. So I maybe posting some pictures later from this project!
Sooo here is some random photos!.....
My friend Nicki and I being dorks !

Fat Frank - my 30 lb cat! He is cleaning his belly!

Oreo playing cute!

The Tank!!!

My little hippy finially got his hair cut! Wesley is the handsome one on the right!

Hope everyone has enjoyed this random babbling of a blog!
I hope everyone has a great V-day! If anyone feels like tossing some kisses my way I am here!
Sadly still single!

Love ya!
Here are some belated Vday kisses.
hope your hangover is better by now. x
i do always tell people that i am trouble though...
i have to go to a women's basketball game today.
but tonight is the anniversary party of my favorite bar and i have a darts grudge match to play.
we need to hang out soon.