Okay...it's about the time of year again!!!
My Birthday is in a couple of days, actually Thursay the 6th. I have no idea what I want to do. I can't figure out where I want to have my birthday dinner. It has to be some where affordable since I am still in major money crunch due to my car issue. So I am actually thinking about pizza and beer close to my house and maybe walk over to the local lez bar ( aka : My Sisters Room ) for a little girl watching.
In other news....my car is still in the shop.
I went yesterday to give them the key so that they can start installing the starter thingy ( I can't think of the right name for it right now ). The people who stole the car really did a number on it after all. It suck that my "new car" has lost that "new" car feel because of this.
Since I have had to cough up all of this cash all of a sudden I am in the process of looking for another job. Yucky!! I am getting to old for this crap but I have no other way I can get my $$ back in order without getting another job.
My Ex-wife is slowing driving me insane!!! She totally know that I hate the holiday and she has pull out a big ass bag of drama on me this week. It so much that I want to cry but I can't!
My Birthday is in a couple of days, actually Thursay the 6th. I have no idea what I want to do. I can't figure out where I want to have my birthday dinner. It has to be some where affordable since I am still in major money crunch due to my car issue. So I am actually thinking about pizza and beer close to my house and maybe walk over to the local lez bar ( aka : My Sisters Room ) for a little girl watching.
In other news....my car is still in the shop.

Since I have had to cough up all of this cash all of a sudden I am in the process of looking for another job. Yucky!! I am getting to old for this crap but I have no other way I can get my $$ back in order without getting another job.
My Ex-wife is slowing driving me insane!!! She totally know that I hate the holiday and she has pull out a big ass bag of drama on me this week. It so much that I want to cry but I can't!

hey girl! i hope things are looking up for you.