it's the fist time I create a blog ..
fist of all ,I have to say I dont really speak english ,so if I made mistake or if I say something with no sens it's normal ...
My name is Pam ,I live in montreal ...In life I like :
hip-hop culture : it's my fist love ...I hate all the ''bling-bling shit'' but I'm in love with the basic hip-hop , the 4 elements to express yourself ...I love graffiti , good rap music (old school and french ) , Dj and B-boys
body modification : percing and tattoo
..i dont have extreme BM but so must respect for people we are able to push the limit of their body ...
DIY clothes : each human life are unique ..please be different for made the wold a little bit more colorful ...
and I also love people with capacity to think by yourself ,cat ,making bubble , blue food and drink ,grunge ,learning about other culture ,crappy place (I dont know why but I feel like home in disused factory) and coffee ...
feel free to drop your comments
PaM xxx
fist of all ,I have to say I dont really speak english ,so if I made mistake or if I say something with no sens it's normal ...
My name is Pam ,I live in montreal ...In life I like :
hip-hop culture : it's my fist love ...I hate all the ''bling-bling shit'' but I'm in love with the basic hip-hop , the 4 elements to express yourself ...I love graffiti , good rap music (old school and french ) , Dj and B-boys
body modification : percing and tattoo

DIY clothes : each human life are unique ..please be different for made the wold a little bit more colorful ...
and I also love people with capacity to think by yourself ,cat ,making bubble , blue food and drink ,grunge ,learning about other culture ,crappy place (I dont know why but I feel like home in disused factory) and coffee ...
feel free to drop your comments
PaM xxx
t'as bien fait ca! jai vue ton commentaire sur mon m'a excitee un peu
entk! good job!
je pensait peutetre d'acheter un nouveau kit pour la soiree.....i dunno!