i've been doing a lot of thinking lately.
i've decided:
i'd like to be an octopus.
you read me correctly. i'd like to be an octopus.
its really a very simple reason.
-octopi are very intelligent creatures.
-IN FACT, they are probably the most intelligent invertebrates.
-they are known to build "forts" and "traps" in the wild.
-they're known for rearranging tanks and burying other animals alive in domestication. [got you!]
-for defense against predators, they hide, flee quickly, expel ink, or use color-changing camouflage.
however, the biggest reason i'd like to be an octopus is even simpler:
every octopus will always react to every situation exactly the same.
you can take 2 octopuses, in 2 different aquariums, on opposite sides of the world, introduce them to the same scenario, and they will both act the same, without fail.
how nice would it be, say, having to confront a friend, and knowing exactly how they'll react?
just being able to know to some degree [which is to say, know completely] how a situation was going to play out. i know I would definitely feel better about having to talk to my roommate this weekend, if i knew how she was going to react.
but who knows?!