san jose is much the better for it, i am sure. cheers!
mindys birthday tonight!!! yay

brads being flakey. and im not sure whats going on

trev just asked why i have to be bitchy all the time and i wasnt even doing anything... wth?

fuck it, im out
I'll do everything I can, even if it's just for a hug and a high-five! biggrin
Then you shall love life in my presence. smile
its hella long, copy and paste from my myspace... but i think it should work still

"She said ill make em smile for the simple fact that he needs it
I'll make him smile just so I can kill it an eat it

You look like you were built for me
You talk like you want to steal my drink
You kiss like you already...
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fucking cunt is taking for fucking ever.....

and her girlfriend has front butt.... i mean, shes straight up icky....

if she was cute id let a little more slide, but shes not cute

she was supposed to be here at 10... its fucking 12

she wont be here till one....

sunovabitch blackeyed puke
im going home tonight!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY! biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin

Im so happy to be going home to my friends and my bed!

the only thing im sad to leave is the beautiful weather down here. and the dessert sunset.

i dont know when ill be home but im glad my friend isnt in trouble, that she just lost her phone charger.

i hope everyone has a good day/evening and...
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im in havasu....

chillin with my cousins, my travel mate is being kinda lame

im so sick of driving... bleh

i should have stayed home...

im glad i get to see my family though ARRR!!!
yay arizona!!

the gas eating state of the country....

more blogs to come ARRR!!!
I live on the Los Gatos border of Campell... Close to where Bascom turns into Los Gatos Blvd. I don't believe I've ever seen you either, and I think I would remember since you bear a striking resemblance to my friend Jen. ARRR!!!

Yay for more blogs to come! Do you like picking your nose? For some reason you seem like the type... shocked
hmm, i just read through all my posts....

ive been toying with the idea of just letting my sg thing stagnate. i mean, i could leave all my pictures up and shit for all youre viewing pleasure or whatever, but just not use it. i dont think any one really pays attention to it any more, and i still havent made and friends in the...
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You could hang out with me. i do homework and smoke weed. that's pretty much it.

Your hometown is where I live. That's swell. ARRR!!!

EDIT: Do you seriously still use ICQ? I thought that died like 279087298 years ago...
so.... im driving to arizona this weekend.......

out of total random "need road trip" action....

and i hate the millionaire matchmaker

the end

next week: pictures bok