its hella long, copy and paste from my myspace... but i think it should work still
"She said ill make em smile for the simple fact that he needs it
I'll make him smile just so I can kill it an eat it
You look like you were built for me
You talk like you want to steal my drink
You kiss like you already came
And that's a lift to pull a line for those with out any game
It's like damn baby
You know you can't save me
But you should still tell your people that your leaving with the band
Maybe you can show me your hustle
Neither one of us would be so lonely
If only you would come over here and hold me
I caught you trying to hide your smile behind your glass
But all of your secrets become a swing set when you laugh
And all of your regrets that you're carrying a burying
Don't mean a damn thing if there's nobody to share them with
We've been following each other all night now
We ought to be all over each other like right now
I don't like crowds lets take flight now
Cause that face that you make
Reminds me of my life now"
i dont know why i like that song so much but on the ride back from az i listened to it maybe 50 times.... celina was asleep so she didnt complain.
arizona was lame. the weather was nice but celina and her girlfriend are dumb.
we left late thursday night, like 1 am, and got to casa grande (about 45 mins south of phoenix) at like 4 or 5 or some shit like that. and her gf came and met us there and i guess they were gonna go to a bar or something and i didnt really wanna go so i decided to go to havasu to visit my family.
i hadnt slept much, and i didnt realize it was so far away, but i ran out of gas in salome... about 65 miles from havasu. it was like 3 and a half hours to drive there from casa grande, i got stuck at a gas station with a dead phone.... needless to say, panic ensued.
so celinas gf drives her to put gas in my tank, but i had to wait for like ever and celina couldnt follow my directions for some reason. my phone died, i had had a panic attack, and she was being terribly frustrating. i was irritated as fuck.
so they finally get there, and i decide im not going to havasu cause i dont even know if i can stay the night there, so i drive all the way back to casa grande. the whole way back im following the gf and it seems like shes trying to lose me on the highway, after i had just had this really irritating night, that was just the cherry on the sundae. after 3 and a half hours of me alone in the car(yes, celina drove with her, i was pissed), yelling at this cunt for driving like an idiot(terrible road rage+no phone+UNECESARY LANE CHANGES!!!=a very upset tara), we finally get to the hotel and i go up to the car and knock on the window and ask,"were you trying to lose me?" in as nice a voice i can muster, which is not very nice at all. they give some lame excuses, and i ask if celinas coming up or if i should just go up with out her.
i go up with out here and get ready for bed, seeing as how its like 5 in the morning.
the next day, she gets up and goes with out me to hang out with andrea, no big deal, whatever. we hang out in the spa all day, relaxing, im not pissed any more.
that night, we were gonna drink at the hotel, because we werent going to the carnival, for some bull shit reason, so celina goes to the store with andrea and picks up booze and cigs, but when she gets back is like, well im gonna hang out with her friends tonight is that ok? and i said, am i invited? and she said, no, not really....
ok, wait a sec.... why did i come on this trip? all i could do was say, yea
and then proceed to drink half of the bottle of rum in what i like to call the casa grande iced tea...
needless to say i was pissed again
not only that, but they come back at 4 in the morning, and i was obviously awake when they got back. after like an hour, the proceed to have relations, not very quietly..... fucking aye
the next day we have to check out by 12, so were packing and it was decided that i was gonna head up to havasu and she was gonna meet me there at like 10ish that night so we could leave and i could stop and hang out with phillip in santa cruz, and get her to work on time on tuesday...
on the way out i say, so ill see you at around 10? and she goes "... i dont know if i can do that..."
so i go to havasu and hang out with my cousin flea and her boyfriend, and i text celina, and she says, i thought it was agreed that i was staying here tonight, blah blah blah..... PISSED!
so i say whatever again, stay in parker with my aunt and wait all day the next day for some sign of celina....
frantically messaging her and leaving her vms... till about 10 pm, then she sends me a message saying she lost her charger and blah blah blah, shell be there the next day(being the same day she was supposed to have work).
whatever, so i say, can you come at like 6, so we can try to beat the traffic well hit, and she says, how bout i leave here at 6 and get there at 10.
once again, whatever
the next day i do the same thing, messaging, leaving vms.... no fucking answer....
she didnt get to quartzite(bout 30 miles from parker) till like 12 and then started arguing with me about me meeting her there. i told her no, because its 30 miles in the opposite direction that were going and straight up no.
so i end up meeting her at the casino, it took me like 20 mins to get there and blah, fucking bull shit.
her gf gives the evil eye while were loading up celina stuff...
i give it right back, which if you havent seen my evil eye, you dont want to... its vicious
the first 4 hours of the ride home, the only words that were said were "gas" and "whatever"
when we finally started talking, i let her know that that shit wasnt ok and that i was pissed.
she said that her gf was the one who didnt want to hang out, but didnt give a reason why...
we all know that i can be a complete bitch to new people, especially with all the shit celina has told me about this chick, but i was nothing but peaches and fucking cream to her, and she didnt like me for no reason, thats what pisses me off the most.
that and she has front butt.... ick
i would have let more slide if she was cute, but damn, she wasnt...
so the rest of the way home, we joke a little, but celina mostly feels bad, which she should, i waited in parker for 3 fucking days for her, thought she might be dead in a ditch, and then she acts all mad when she gets in the car finally.
the end of the story is i got celina to work on time despite the oil light coming on, the lack of a speedometer and the fact that celina didnt show up when she said she was gonna...
im just that good.
that was my trip, which was bad cept for seeing the fam. i got some pictures but not a lot... and im still pale apparently.
it gave me lots of time to reflect though, so i guess thats good... more blogs to come
and to top it all off, i missed my nats cooter cancer party, and im upset
"She said ill make em smile for the simple fact that he needs it
I'll make him smile just so I can kill it an eat it
You look like you were built for me
You talk like you want to steal my drink
You kiss like you already came
And that's a lift to pull a line for those with out any game
It's like damn baby
You know you can't save me
But you should still tell your people that your leaving with the band
Maybe you can show me your hustle
Neither one of us would be so lonely
If only you would come over here and hold me
I caught you trying to hide your smile behind your glass
But all of your secrets become a swing set when you laugh
And all of your regrets that you're carrying a burying
Don't mean a damn thing if there's nobody to share them with
We've been following each other all night now
We ought to be all over each other like right now
I don't like crowds lets take flight now
Cause that face that you make
Reminds me of my life now"
i dont know why i like that song so much but on the ride back from az i listened to it maybe 50 times.... celina was asleep so she didnt complain.
arizona was lame. the weather was nice but celina and her girlfriend are dumb.
we left late thursday night, like 1 am, and got to casa grande (about 45 mins south of phoenix) at like 4 or 5 or some shit like that. and her gf came and met us there and i guess they were gonna go to a bar or something and i didnt really wanna go so i decided to go to havasu to visit my family.
i hadnt slept much, and i didnt realize it was so far away, but i ran out of gas in salome... about 65 miles from havasu. it was like 3 and a half hours to drive there from casa grande, i got stuck at a gas station with a dead phone.... needless to say, panic ensued.
so celinas gf drives her to put gas in my tank, but i had to wait for like ever and celina couldnt follow my directions for some reason. my phone died, i had had a panic attack, and she was being terribly frustrating. i was irritated as fuck.
so they finally get there, and i decide im not going to havasu cause i dont even know if i can stay the night there, so i drive all the way back to casa grande. the whole way back im following the gf and it seems like shes trying to lose me on the highway, after i had just had this really irritating night, that was just the cherry on the sundae. after 3 and a half hours of me alone in the car(yes, celina drove with her, i was pissed), yelling at this cunt for driving like an idiot(terrible road rage+no phone+UNECESARY LANE CHANGES!!!=a very upset tara), we finally get to the hotel and i go up to the car and knock on the window and ask,"were you trying to lose me?" in as nice a voice i can muster, which is not very nice at all. they give some lame excuses, and i ask if celinas coming up or if i should just go up with out her.
i go up with out here and get ready for bed, seeing as how its like 5 in the morning.
the next day, she gets up and goes with out me to hang out with andrea, no big deal, whatever. we hang out in the spa all day, relaxing, im not pissed any more.
that night, we were gonna drink at the hotel, because we werent going to the carnival, for some bull shit reason, so celina goes to the store with andrea and picks up booze and cigs, but when she gets back is like, well im gonna hang out with her friends tonight is that ok? and i said, am i invited? and she said, no, not really....
ok, wait a sec.... why did i come on this trip? all i could do was say, yea
and then proceed to drink half of the bottle of rum in what i like to call the casa grande iced tea...
needless to say i was pissed again
not only that, but they come back at 4 in the morning, and i was obviously awake when they got back. after like an hour, the proceed to have relations, not very quietly..... fucking aye
the next day we have to check out by 12, so were packing and it was decided that i was gonna head up to havasu and she was gonna meet me there at like 10ish that night so we could leave and i could stop and hang out with phillip in santa cruz, and get her to work on time on tuesday...
on the way out i say, so ill see you at around 10? and she goes "... i dont know if i can do that..."
so i go to havasu and hang out with my cousin flea and her boyfriend, and i text celina, and she says, i thought it was agreed that i was staying here tonight, blah blah blah..... PISSED!
so i say whatever again, stay in parker with my aunt and wait all day the next day for some sign of celina....
frantically messaging her and leaving her vms... till about 10 pm, then she sends me a message saying she lost her charger and blah blah blah, shell be there the next day(being the same day she was supposed to have work).
whatever, so i say, can you come at like 6, so we can try to beat the traffic well hit, and she says, how bout i leave here at 6 and get there at 10.
once again, whatever
the next day i do the same thing, messaging, leaving vms.... no fucking answer....
she didnt get to quartzite(bout 30 miles from parker) till like 12 and then started arguing with me about me meeting her there. i told her no, because its 30 miles in the opposite direction that were going and straight up no.
so i end up meeting her at the casino, it took me like 20 mins to get there and blah, fucking bull shit.
her gf gives the evil eye while were loading up celina stuff...
i give it right back, which if you havent seen my evil eye, you dont want to... its vicious
the first 4 hours of the ride home, the only words that were said were "gas" and "whatever"
when we finally started talking, i let her know that that shit wasnt ok and that i was pissed.
she said that her gf was the one who didnt want to hang out, but didnt give a reason why...
we all know that i can be a complete bitch to new people, especially with all the shit celina has told me about this chick, but i was nothing but peaches and fucking cream to her, and she didnt like me for no reason, thats what pisses me off the most.
that and she has front butt.... ick
i would have let more slide if she was cute, but damn, she wasnt...
so the rest of the way home, we joke a little, but celina mostly feels bad, which she should, i waited in parker for 3 fucking days for her, thought she might be dead in a ditch, and then she acts all mad when she gets in the car finally.
the end of the story is i got celina to work on time despite the oil light coming on, the lack of a speedometer and the fact that celina didnt show up when she said she was gonna...
im just that good.
that was my trip, which was bad cept for seeing the fam. i got some pictures but not a lot... and im still pale apparently.
it gave me lots of time to reflect though, so i guess thats good... more blogs to come

and to top it all off, i missed my nats cooter cancer party, and im upset