Whew!! i feel great... i joined a gym...have worked out with weights for three days... done three yoga classes...have bellydancing tonight and then twice a week thereafter... eating more protein to try to get this recent 20lbs off my bootie...and, well....my mama gut...
but feeling energized after the workouts...my brain feels clearer...my body stronger...and, it may be my imagination...but after just two weeks of changing my diet and working my body looks better....my ass is higher and my arms show definition...
busy week this and next week....
bellydancing tonight...
neices graduation thursday night
school picnic Friday
baptism and grad party Saturday...
Costco on Sunday...maybe a spin on my cycle....
Kids.... this is what it looks like to be a grown up parent....
but, ya know... I wouldn't go back to my party days... they were fun...but as boring as it all looks.... being with family CAN be gratifying...
I swear....
next week... prepping for a 2 week trip to lake powell...Has anyone here ever been to lake powell... it's a marvel.... indian ruins, tall, stoic cliffs of sandstone... water deeper than most building are high... when it rains, impromptu waterfalls cascade down the cliffs...parking the houseboat under a sand and water cave...deep little cliffs you can climb over to find a small pool of water and a private beach...light a small campfire and get naughty in the sunset...
the sheer magnitude of a deep, cavernous canyon filled with water can take your breath away...
and just because i like it...fuzzy, yes...but i still like it...
and this shot of a few of us at the LA burlesque show....
that would be K, scootmikey, me, Caddi56 and Niamh
but feeling energized after the workouts...my brain feels clearer...my body stronger...and, it may be my imagination...but after just two weeks of changing my diet and working my body looks better....my ass is higher and my arms show definition...
busy week this and next week....
bellydancing tonight...
neices graduation thursday night
school picnic Friday
baptism and grad party Saturday...
Costco on Sunday...maybe a spin on my cycle....
Kids.... this is what it looks like to be a grown up parent....
but, ya know... I wouldn't go back to my party days... they were fun...but as boring as it all looks.... being with family CAN be gratifying...
I swear....
next week... prepping for a 2 week trip to lake powell...Has anyone here ever been to lake powell... it's a marvel.... indian ruins, tall, stoic cliffs of sandstone... water deeper than most building are high... when it rains, impromptu waterfalls cascade down the cliffs...parking the houseboat under a sand and water cave...deep little cliffs you can climb over to find a small pool of water and a private beach...light a small campfire and get naughty in the sunset...
the sheer magnitude of a deep, cavernous canyon filled with water can take your breath away...
and just because i like it...fuzzy, yes...but i still like it...
and this shot of a few of us at the LA burlesque show....
that would be K, scootmikey, me, Caddi56 and Niamh
Rock on cool girl! Been here like 3 days and likin it more every day!
but boy i am cute