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i'm leaving soon. only to return in the fall like a bat going back to hell. hell is home. home is where you left your heart after some selfish bitch fucked you over. bitter much, are we? i'm still waiting for friends to accept my invitation. i've been waiting since this started. i guess i have the effect on people to push them away. sometimes...
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the pushing people away bit runs in me too ... like all over me.
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today is easter. i hope someone chokes on a rotten egg. die dying death dead
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i think that hel, autumn and portia need to come back. those girls look damn good.
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4 + 4 + 4 = 12

"take this moment to see what you've become display this moment to show what you've become" - evergreen terrace
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i changed my name and edited my journal. sorry to those who posted comments cause i deleted them. i still have to edit my comments on other people's journals and the group boards. the change has begun in more ways then one.

i see that katie has a new set. that rules. lucille needs a new set.
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today is the day i finally burned all my old photographs and let my memories burn away with them. it's time for a change...
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SHELBYVILLE will be celebrating our 3 year anniversary soon.

lucille needs a new set up. she is a godess.
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depression is a fashion
hardcore is a dead scene
virgin is a dirty word
love is an angel from hell
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i like to drink bacardi.
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my friends will bring their friends and their friends will bring their friends and their friends will bring midgets in bondage gear.
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alexis is not my friend anymore. that sucks.
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i wonder if i should be a suicideboy?