My life is bullshit. I just found out today that the electric bill I paid in the beginning of December to a so called "authorized payment" place never paid the electric company. The electric company TOLD me to pay there, but now they are saying that it was not an authorized place to pay. I can't find the recipt and now I have to go there tomorrow and threaten to call the police on him if he doesn't pay me back.
It's the cherry on top of the shit-sundae I've been eating for 3 years now.
My biggest problems in life right now are money related. Most of the money problems I have I blame on my ex. I won't go into details, but basically I'm swearing off relationships.
I'm getting drunk tonight. BY MYSELF.
Maybe I'll watch some episodes of Intervention so I can say, "hey, at least I'm not that guy... not yet anyway"
Sorry for the depressing blog post. Here's a picture of a kitty to make you happy again...

It's the cherry on top of the shit-sundae I've been eating for 3 years now.
My biggest problems in life right now are money related. Most of the money problems I have I blame on my ex. I won't go into details, but basically I'm swearing off relationships.
I'm getting drunk tonight. BY MYSELF.
Maybe I'll watch some episodes of Intervention so I can say, "hey, at least I'm not that guy... not yet anyway"
Sorry for the depressing blog post. Here's a picture of a kitty to make you happy again...

life is like fighting a dinosaur, its pretty hard. Hope you got the upper hand back in the fight

your blog entry = yes, i get it