Now I'm all sore and bruised after me and
Cate saw the Blood Brothers last night. We drank far too much and got knocked/fell over a few times resulting in a temporary loss of both our purses (designer too!) After that we took some pictures with a homeless guy and his lizard and got kicked out of a club for stealing kisses. Good times.
I found a really trashy tshirt today that was all cut up on the sleeves and bottom (to make fringe) and it said "Graceland" on it. I think I might get it. I like to be trashy.
Oh also my grandparents were really awesome and got me stuff to fix my bike with

Getting food to take home from your grandparents is the best by the way.
Also--you've always reminded me a lot of London.
Which is a good thing, as I adore her as well...
Next Wednesday it is. Start thinking of what you wanna do.
And thanks for the hickey compliment? I've managed to convince her to move further down