So last week I got an adorable green 1973 Schwinn Collegiate bicycle (it's heavy but I picked it out mostly for the fact that I can wear a long skirt while riding it... there's also a cute basket on the back) I rode it to school today for the first time and on my way back I happen to ride past a fire station. Two of the guys there yelled to me as I passed that my back tire looked really flat and they could fill it up for me. I wasn't going to stop because I figured if they were going to flirt with me it would lead to a very awkward situation. But indeed when I checked my back tire it was very flat and probably making my uphill ride much more difficult. So I let the guy fill up my tire, explaining that I hadn't gotten new ones since I bought it and they were very very old (wouldn't be suprised if they were actually from 1973) when POP!
The inner tube explodes and the tire blows half off. The poor guy felt like crap and I could tell this was going to be a story that would follow him for quite a while at the station >.< I just laughed and told him it was bound to happen anyway. Another guy gave me a ride home who turned out to be a real estate agent (I do freelance work for real estate agents) so I gave him my card. If I get a call from him for a job it will totally be worth it
Good times.

Good times.
So I put my second fave pic of you up on my blog. I couldn't figure out how to put my fave up on there as it's in landscape and got cut in half. I'm crap at blogging.
I would just like to see cute little you on your cute liitle bike!