Have decided to go and have my labret pierced so am gonna try and get it done later this week smile ... will then have to get some nice people to kiss it better!!!..lol wink
so any offers?! he he he..

Past few days have been busy painting my house and playing with my pussies.. who have been following me around and getting paint on them..lol
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Odd. You look so much like a girl I saw downtown the otherday who was also talking about getting her labret done.
Ooh that is really strange ?! well i can assure you that it wasnt me unfortunately frown i have been told i have some look alikes around and about which is weird but good..lol Thank you for your comment hun hope u are ok?!
take care xxx
Had my Hair done today, it is now a brightred on top with black underneath, looks really nice wink
not feeling too bad today apart from not seeing mortiis tonight frown but am gonna have some wine and get a little typsy tonight, just a shame i will be on my own tonight,as none of my mates are free now to do anything.
no one to play...
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Well just got back from hospital afer having a test to find out why have been so poorly frown had a mad few days, was planning on going out tomorrow night to see mortiis smile but my mates have all let me down again frown so looks like i will be in doing nothing..lol (well maybe play with roger wink ..lol ) have to get my fun from somewhere...
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lol you and roger sure get friendly a lot wink hehe smile

sorry that you couldn't go and see mortis frown lol he was in my local having a drink apparently, the day that he played birmingham, but no one really recognized him minus the make up smile sorry i didnt go with you but i really dont like him smile i'll come see funkeh bands with joo for def though biggrin

so what are sausages made up from? or maybe i shouldnt ask..because i love sausages and it'll prolly make me never want to look at one again...

hope you're feeling well smile
kiss kiss kiss
Today has just been a normal day..lol apart from got woken up by my cats going mad in the bedroom..lol
Have been painting my nails this luch purple colour and they look amazing.. also have been sorting through some of my old stuff., and listening to some wicked tracks from wolfsheim, consolidated and depeche mode (was in that sort of mood today..lol abit of personal...
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Wow yesterday and today has been a mad couple of days wink im loving this site it has many purdee ladies.. and nice people too..
hmmm.. well i have alot of things round my house to sort out and alot of things about myself to sort out and make better ;p im always looking to make new and exciting friends to chat with and have a...
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Ooooh just had some great news smile my mate has finally got it on with this guy... and shes well happy.. am so happy for her, although wish i could find someone special frown

aahh well off to bed for me now to have more naughty dreams..lol nite nite xxx
Wow todays been a weird day for me frown but im sure tomorrow will be even better smile have too many naughty thoughts that i cant control..lol am in need of some fun yet i cant have any at the moment frown My friends have been great today helped me sort alot of stuff out in my sordid and mad mind..lol

Its exciting to be a part of...
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smile hello, not going to add you yet, perhaps we can comment in each others journal first and get to know each other.

Unless we already do know each other, are you Michelle from Portsmouth? I can't tell behind those glasses!
Hiya, erm no im not michelle from portsmouth, im sharon from naughty nottingham..dont worry hun, would love to chat sometime wink speak soon.... xx