Well just got back from being in the hospital again!!.. got gallstones that keep getting stuck and leaving me in a hell of a bad way in pain etc..
but have found out that my Liver has been damaged by some pills i have been taking,
The positive thing is that i will be going into hospital again 20th dec to have my gallbladder removed!!!
yay!! just in time for xmas..lol (how good is that hey?!)
have missed machine head tonight at rock city
am well devastated as i was looking forward to seeing rob flynn!! am sure there will b another time hey?!..lol
apart from all that am looking forward to my night out on 18th dec with my sexy mate amy
should be much fun me thinks.. sheffield corporation watch out!!! (you have been warned!!..lol)
anyways take care
s xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

The positive thing is that i will be going into hospital again 20th dec to have my gallbladder removed!!!

have missed machine head tonight at rock city

apart from all that am looking forward to my night out on 18th dec with my sexy mate amy

anyways take care
s xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

so yeah the brussel sprout fetish thing is not a good idea
cant wait for the 18th! only 16 more days to go!
december is going to be such a busy month!
sorry that you couldnt see machine head
hope you are feeling ok!
*hugs and kisses*