well, i had a brilliant weekend. went to london on saturday to the london meet and met a load of new people and some of the ones i've met before. it was a good night even if i was very incoherent most of the night. lake of sleep and all.
then on sunday i went to london again with my best mate oly and went to a pub called 'half way to heaven' just of trafalgor square where he did karaoke. the weird thing is that over the next four weeks, they are going to be having people watch the people do karaoke and one person is going to win 5000 and get to meet simon cowell to talk about hopefully getting into singing. like how cool is that. my mate is going to go down every weekend for it now.
the rest of the week i didn't do anything but then today i was at work and everything got to me again and i just couldn't stop myself crying. it's the second time in four years that it's happened at work. i just get fed up with all the shit i recieve of the wankers i work with, then i think about my life and how shit it is sometimes and then not seeing my daughter, things just get to much and i break. so i then went home and just started drinking and i'm still drinking. i just think i should get one loan for all of my debts and pay it over a larger time scale so that i can just quit my job and move somewhere new.
sorry if people read this and think i just complain alot, it's just that i use this space to vent of things going on in my life. sort of an outlet of my frustration and my feelings that i tend to keep to myself in public.
also can people click here to help with i game i do.
anyway, hope you lot are ok and well. love ya all, gw
then on sunday i went to london again with my best mate oly and went to a pub called 'half way to heaven' just of trafalgor square where he did karaoke. the weird thing is that over the next four weeks, they are going to be having people watch the people do karaoke and one person is going to win 5000 and get to meet simon cowell to talk about hopefully getting into singing. like how cool is that. my mate is going to go down every weekend for it now.
the rest of the week i didn't do anything but then today i was at work and everything got to me again and i just couldn't stop myself crying. it's the second time in four years that it's happened at work. i just get fed up with all the shit i recieve of the wankers i work with, then i think about my life and how shit it is sometimes and then not seeing my daughter, things just get to much and i break. so i then went home and just started drinking and i'm still drinking. i just think i should get one loan for all of my debts and pay it over a larger time scale so that i can just quit my job and move somewhere new.
sorry if people read this and think i just complain alot, it's just that i use this space to vent of things going on in my life. sort of an outlet of my frustration and my feelings that i tend to keep to myself in public.
also can people click here to help with i game i do.
anyway, hope you lot are ok and well. love ya all, gw

thanks, i'm feeling much better now. i was just being stupid and irrational, as usual
*hugs* hope you're feeling better too. don't apologise for posting about it - it's your journal and getting it out of your systems probably a good thing. everyone has days where everything just gets too much to cope with. hope to see you soon! 

How's your army Mr. GothicWolf? I know I should have some idea as one of your soldiers but... the horrors of war...