well, had a boring week as i've had to work 2 till 10 in the evening this week so i didn't get much chance to enjoy the fine english weather where having this week.
also, like CreamyGoodness, i to had to do training at my work place. but we had to as it was about the hardener we use in our products. mainly cause it is a peroxide called butanox m-50 and it is very dangerous. we learnt that if the peroxide gets contaminated it starts to decompose. and if it decomposes to fast, it will either explode or catch fire. and not just anytype of fire. the fire will just keep going even if you do put it out with water, cause it will just start up again. also, it burns 10 times as ferocously than acitone. ie. about 7-8 feet high, and thats just a small cup full of it. another thing that is bad about it is that if it does catch alight and there alot of fumes about that was given of by the peroxide, the vapours will also burn. so in theory, it could fill a whole room with flames in less than a few seconds.
i just love my work sometimes
i also managed to piss of my supervisor the other day as well
. but he deserved it. all day he kept taking the piss out of me saying i was thick and all this. then he said i would never be as good as him at doing the job, which my reply was, and you would never be as good as me as scube diving. he than replied, so. i then said back, exactly what i was thinking about you and this job. of course he then had to get personal as always saying, well at least i can go home and get some. i then quickly replied, i think i'd rather stick we my hand than sleep with you gf. he didn't take likely to that and snapped back going, don't you say anything about my gf. then i just said, if you can't take it don't give it. he hasn't been in a good mood with me since. he even went to me the next day saying i was lucky cause supposedly his chavy gf was going to come down to have it out with me. i couldn't help but laugh at him. oh well.
anyway, hope you lot are doing well, loves you all
also, like CreamyGoodness, i to had to do training at my work place. but we had to as it was about the hardener we use in our products. mainly cause it is a peroxide called butanox m-50 and it is very dangerous. we learnt that if the peroxide gets contaminated it starts to decompose. and if it decomposes to fast, it will either explode or catch fire. and not just anytype of fire. the fire will just keep going even if you do put it out with water, cause it will just start up again. also, it burns 10 times as ferocously than acitone. ie. about 7-8 feet high, and thats just a small cup full of it. another thing that is bad about it is that if it does catch alight and there alot of fumes about that was given of by the peroxide, the vapours will also burn. so in theory, it could fill a whole room with flames in less than a few seconds.
i just love my work sometimes

i also managed to piss of my supervisor the other day as well

anyway, hope you lot are doing well, loves you all

Great to meet you last night, sorry I had to leave early, but hey, I was flat out knackered, you figured a way how to upload photos yet?? 

it was lovely meeting you too!! i had a good night. we'll have to do it again sometime - let me know next time you're going to be in bristol