whatever So jennifer and i had a pivitol discussion last night. I guess that she will come home when her lease is up, thats in august, and till then, we are just suppose to work on loving each other as people and becoming friends again... i dont know, but it is something remotely positive. She admitted last night to having not tried or given a shit...
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Hey man, baby steps, I hope things work out for the better, whatever they may be. smile

Good deal. If that doesn't work, i'm going to come by your house and sing "Drive" by the Cars until you both can bond enough to kill me. :-)
frown Don't really know how many of you read this often, but i made a decison today... i can't do it anymore. I wanted to be strong, to wait for her, and change, work on my shortcomings and become the man she wanted me to be... but this is the most intense pain i have ever felt, and i can't do it any longer. I have...
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*Puts arm around your shoulder and hands you a beer*

Learning experience, man. It's what builds character and makes us better people. Plus, women can be confusing and frustrating as hell. Trust me, I know.

Just keep your head high, so you can look @all the cute girls and their boobies on this site, then before long, you'll find the right one that'll make you happy for a long time.

WTF I sound like a fucking ABC Afterschool Special. *shudders* Lest I start talking to you about the dangers of anorexia or underage drinking... *slaps the beer out of your hand, then realizes you're 21, and gets you a fresh one* ...I'll just say hang in there, man. smile

cut your losses now. Trust me. That whole divorce thing aint so bad. You'll thank yourself for it later
frown I was suppose to acheive something today, somewhere my life was going to go, and i am still falling to nowhere. I was hoping that jennifer and i would discuss our marraig and make a step in a better direction, but i really didn't get anything from the conversation... seems she still is so very uncertain if she wants to stay with me or move...
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Maybe instead of waiting around on her decision you should make your own. Frankly in your shoes, if i have to sit around waiting for her to make up her mind Im just gonna end it myself. i know its a lot harder said then done seein how youre married and everything, but sitting around letting this torture you isnt good for you. Take care of yourself man, the other shit will take care of itself. Later homey.
Hear hear.

smile Wine, wow, i think i just found my new drink of choice, this shit taste terrable, but it does the job, quickly, and i feel oh so good, yeah, i am going to try this wine thing a little more....

anyway, nothing new again, so uh, yeah, wine... skull woowoobadoo
Yeah, wine is great shit if you're not careful puke


frown Sorry EVERYONE, my internet was down, and i was down, and, well everything was down for a few days, didn't mean to worry you all.

I find out on thursday what will happen between jennifer and i, hope it goes well, but if it dosnt, i am going to steal Apnea's heart with candy and sedatives.

I fell of a mountain training this weekend, and...
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WHAT? I'm girlslap the hell outta fornelli AND that crack smokin' honky on your profile pic!mad

*Emits his "10 yo girl" war cry"*


GOD DAMN i am so broken off today. We had a ruck march with like 70lbs for around, mmm, 8 miles, and that was just to the training site. I had to give i.v.'s to so many people who just couldnt hang with the march, then, we trained, so much training, react to enemy fire, move under fire, react to mortar rounds, ahhhhhhhh. My body...
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Heya Gothic Elvis,
Thanks for lovin ma words kiss
Your profile pic is deliciously demented, I love it.
Are ya feeling a touch psychosed after your sleep deprivation? best time to hit the porn hey biggrin
we're out of beer-- so it's a lemon drop martini for you my man. my body aches too, but for reasons so much less noble than yours. . . .
frown THIS IS BULLSHIT, i think god intentionally invented love so that he could play a cruel joke on all of us. The only people i see that arn't effected by it are delusional or lonely, so you got two choices as i see it, be sad, or a liar. Well, i am so FUCKING sick of being sad that it hurts, and as for being...
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Well thats a HAPPY post. Life sucks most of the time. Its just something you do need to get through though. Why? Im not sure. There is probably some sort of greater reasoning behind all of it, but to figureout what it is would take up too much damn time. Sorry I cant think of anything to say of any real soothing helpful nature. You really do need to talk to her though. It might be hard but it is something that definetely needs to get done. If for nothing else but some sort of closure. Iono man. Talk to you later.

Oh and whats so fantastic about me pukin on the Taco Bell dog? biggrin
pleasure, pain, love.......one without the other ???

here's one for you, its tattood on my back -
love is pain , i want to be insane

[Edited on Mar 30, 2005 1:16AM]
frown March 25th... two years i have been married to her now, still feel so far away... i made it through even though all i wanted to do was drink my ass off... and i did... and cried. What a shitty group of days all jumbled together... easter... pt test day... two year anniversary... this blows... TOMFORNELLI shoot me... its all getting miserable again. She liked...
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devirginated your testimonials. buwahahahaha biggrin
You have an admirable hat collection. Enjoyed chatting with you last night. Hang in there, it's not forever.
frown Its that day... frown
Thanks for the email....Missy didnt tell me why.....and I did email back and ask why but I havent heard yet .....I probably wont blackeyed she did say to try again so I will.....and hopefully that will work confused ....I appreciate the compliments kiss

Have a great weekend biggrin
Well, not a fuckin clue what "that day" means, but I hope you get through it.

*raises a gloved fist for his homey*

Ok, this whole "meactinggangstatonightwhileimwhiterthanbreadwithlessrhythm" is starting to scare me.

Here's the Easter Monkey.

And I'm back to normal...for me, anyway.


[Edited on Mar 26, 2005 10:18PM]

[Edited on Mar 26, 2005 10:20PM]
smile Got a camera today, so be expeting some more pics soon, woo woo badoo skull