Well, the visit is over, and she is back in Arizona today, so very sad, that looming cloud has come back. We have decided that we are going to try and make it work, she will be home the last month or two before i deploy, then i am going to mover her out to live with her mom in some place called Montanna, we can draw extra money from the Army if we do this so it is the best bet since i will be gone for another year. Not to happy about it... anyway, won the solder of the month board today, that was kinda cool, and i think i may reenlist sometime in the not to distant future, 10,000$ sounds nice, i could be sitting fat, and debt free... just got to figure out how to get a diffrent job in the Army. Anyway, thanks to all those of you who supported me through my endevours with her, and thanks to all of you with the warm comments, i think i may be shutting down my subscription to this site soon, not to sure if i will or not, but dont take it personally if i do, just wont be here in the states, and they would cut my head off for looking at this in the desert, but then again they would cut it off if i look at a girls ankels!
good luck
miss ya