Uh, a few days ago, we cleaned weapons, actually we did that all week, it was horrible really, i mean, can you imagine the idea of being stuck in a room full of unintelligent people for 9 hours, one of them has a cd player with some loud speakers, and the others have this plethora of shitty music, i hate, HATE rap music, jesus, i cant stand that shit. So yeah, we cleaned weapons, every time i was able to knock out two or three, i would look up from my little zoned out world and see that people had done one, or were just sitting there talking, it was terrable.
Last night we had a military dine in. It is when the battalion gathers and has dinner together, and gets very shit faced, actually, gettting shitfaced was the principle concern i think, non the less, i had a few bottles of FREE wine, and then we had a grog, uh, a disgusting mix of too many liquors and various other stuff (tomato juice, hot sauce, punch, dog food) which was so damn potenet, took like 2 shots to kill me, maybe it was the everclear, i dont know. I drove home, shit faced, mechaqueen and i were on the phone, then i think i dropped my phone, i dont remember, it was fun, i was on the wrong side of the road, and since all the rest of the MPS on base were shitty, no one was going to pull me over.
Going to buy my Scion tC on monday i think, adding a body kit, modified exhaust system, neon lights on the interrior, sub woofer and some other little customs, dont really like the intrest rate i received, but it is lower than my current car right now, and this Scion is so so so so so fucking sexxxy.
Mechaqueen is such a doll
Cherries has fantastic hair
SchismaticGod haunts me in my dreams
CKY is the greatest
Nine Inch Nails has the new albumn out, it rules
even better
is the new cd from OPIATE FOR THE MASSES
Yeah that is a subject of discussion, if you have not heard of, or bought the new cd from Opiate for the masses, you need to. I will gladly send you a song or two for free, i will gladly send you the cd, no, you should buy it, i love those guys to much to take away from there success, such a truely new and unique, talented and fresh band, i cant even describe them, in comparrison to anything else out there that is, take all the good metal goth industrial and hate bands of the last like 15 years, and put them together, that is Opiate for the masses, shit go to there fucking website and you can hear what i am talking about.
What, you are still here.. GO!
What the fuck are you waiting for bitch, GO NOW GOD DAMN IT!
Thats right I haunt your dreams with visions of grotesque diebauchary and things that go Oh baby in the night.

im a doll? a blow up doll?? o.O