Made mexican food tonight, and for some reason everyone in the world showed up...? I served my token vodka and peach tripple sec and they got all damn drunk, i feel so accomplised. Gave my cats some catnip for the first time, princess RAN up the wall, and daredevil ran INTO the wall, it was adorable, i felt good about myself, peddling drugs to the young again. Sick, still, should be done by the end of the weekend, and thankfully i am not going to the field next week, i am so happy about that, more time with all my lovlies from the world of SG. Well in any case... THEFREAK will surely comment on this in 5...4...3...2...
Mexican food har har har. -is comment number three- I feel...kind of not cool but hey
Shit im #4. Oh well. Good to hear you get a week off from all the fun!!! Ill talk to you later homezilla.