So i am in the field doing my army thing right, and i just got made a team leader like 3 weeks ago. Well i got two troops, one is pretty sqaured away (he is good) and the other is a shit bad (he is a shit bag). Well, it was to the best of my knowledge that my bad soldier was still going to be in the army come Iraq time, but i guess that management (my platoon Sgt.) has been planning to kick him out for a bit anyway. So One thing leads to another and he fucks up some shit in the field, little things, but non the less he is always in trouble, and i have to counsel him on the matters, counseling is written documnetation that you fucked something up, well, i am sitting there counseling him, and he tells me that he is so sorry, almost cries, but i can see in his eyes that it is totally genuiune. The problem in my posistion is that i like the kid, i think he could make it in the army with some work, but he is just to fucked up for me to fix, so i had to spend all day yesterday doing the paperwork to have him kicked out, god it sucked, i felt so shitty knowing what i was doing was going to end up getting him kicked out compleatly. God it feels so terrable to know that someones career is going to go to shit because of my duty, my paperwork, my responsibility. I have had to decide, is he a endagerment to the rest of us, will he get us killed in Iraq, or will he adapt, and it is a liability i can not take. Wow, what the fuck, i never thought that being in this kind of position would happen, ending someones career, i guess it is better than ending someones life, but damn, i cant look him in the eye anymore, got to work on that cold indiference