boys can be so silly sometimes.
when you've been sitting there all evening sporting bashful grins in my direction, and i'm across the way, with daisies in my hair, tossing off a smile at you, then please don't be afraid...just crawl up closer and tell me some story. i probably don't bite...
or instead you could, as you so often do, wait until the utter last moment as i'm exiting the venue, to spill out words almost too soft for ears and watch me wave as the door shudders behind me. until next time.
and of course, girls can be equally, if not so much more, sillier than boys.
when you've been sitting there all evening sporting bashful grins in my direction, and i'm across the way, with daisies in my hair, tossing off a smile at you, then please don't be afraid...just crawl up closer and tell me some story. i probably don't bite...
or instead you could, as you so often do, wait until the utter last moment as i'm exiting the venue, to spill out words almost too soft for ears and watch me wave as the door shudders behind me. until next time.
and of course, girls can be equally, if not so much more, sillier than boys.

Y'know... on the other side of that coin though, I know a lot of girls who are usually oblivious to the fact someone is hitting on them. It makes me sad to see it sometimes.